tisdag 12 augusti 2008

Ryssland tvingar Väst till ett svårt val

Ryssland tycks inte bry som om omvärldens uppmaningar att avsluta kriget i Georgien - något som ställer Väst inför mycket svåra val. New York Times i slutet av sin artikel om saken:

But the problem has become the response: Russia has now pushed back hard, and the United States, bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan and fretting about Iran, is unlikely to take on Russia over the matter of Georgia. Russia has shown that it wants to rule its own backyard, said Mr. Friedman of Stratfor.

“All this basically means that Russia emerges as a great power,” Mr. Friedman said. “Not a global power like it used to be, but a power that has to be taken very seriously.”


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