onsdag 7 januari 2015

Podd 62: Presidentvalet 2016 - Del 2: Mike Huckabee 1

Podd 62. I detta avsnitt fortsätter vi med del 2 i vår temaserie om presidentvalet 2016. I dagens avsnitt tar vi en titt på Mike Huckabee, som den 3 januari pålyste att han slutar på Fox News för att på allvar kunna överväga en ny presidentkandidatur.

John Gustavsson - som följt Mike Huckabee ända sedan 2007 - analyserar innebörden av Huckabees tal och intervjuar även Huckabees vän och kollega Randy Davis från Iowa, som arbetade för Huckabee-kampanjen 2008 och kommer att arbeta för Huckabee igen om denne pålyser en ny kandidatur.

Här också den text John skrev på Huckabee-forumet som Mike Huckabee personligen också läste:

I wanna tell you a story.

Three and a half year ago, I was up all night (because I'm in Europe) watching Mike Huckabee announce that he wasn't running for president. I remember sitting there in absolute shock, more disappointed than I had been in years over anything.

I stayed up until 6 AM, unable to sleep. I normally go to church at 10:30 on Sundays, but I decided to take the day off as I would be too tired so I didn't set my alarm like I normally would. But for some reason I woke up at 10 AM anyway, and so I figured I might as well go to church.

As I was walking to church, I was still feeling bitter about Huckabee's decision - why did he let us down like that? It didn't make any sense to me. Then I came in just as they started singing the first song of the day's service - and it was no other song than "By faith". For those of you who haven't heard it, the chorus goes

"We will stand as children of the promise

We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward

Till the race is finished and the work is done

We'll walk by faith and not by sight "

I was just stunned. I thought back at what Huckabee had said - "Every factor said 'go' but my heart said 'no'". About how he wasn't sure that this was what God wanted him to do, even though every rational factor pointed towards a run.

And at that moment, I found peace. I realized that Huckabee was walking by faith, not by sight. And after all, isn't that what I want him to do? Isn't that what I strive to do myself?

I instantly "forgave" Huckabee for disappointing me (not that he had done me any wrong really) as I stood there, tears in my eyes. Then I prayed to God that he continue to lead Mike in accordance with his plan, not mine or anyone else's.

And tonight, I once again stayed up all night watching Huckabee's show, and I'm once again up at almost 6 AM unable to sleep - not because I'm disappointed, but because I haven't been this excited in years And I truly believe that Mike Huckabee is walking by faith, not by sight. I think that's what he did three years ago, and he is still doing it to this day.

/John Gustavsson

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