fredag 29 januari 2016

Tampa Bay Times endorsar Jeb Bush

Floridas största tidning, Tampa Bay Times, endorsade igår Jeb Bush, som de anser skulle bli den bäste presidenten. Tidningens redaktion skriver:

To the voters in those other states and to Florida Republicans as well, we offer this advice: We know Bush's strengths and weaknesses, and we are confident he is the most thoughtful, principled and energetic candidate in the Republican field.

Bush was one of the most effective governors in Florida's history and the first Republican to serve two terms.

Man fortsätter sedan beskriva de många styrkor man sett att Jeb Bush har, trots att man inte alltid hållit med i hans sakpolitiska beslut. Man jämför sedan Bush med de andra republikanska kandidaterna, och mest intressant är förstås jämförelsen med Marco Rubio, som också kommer från Florida och lett Floridas representanthus:

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is the most polished orator in the Republican field, and he has a compelling personal story. But there is nothing in his record to indicate he is prepared to be president. He was an undistinguished state legislator who rose to Florida House speaker on his charm and surfed the 2010 tea party wave into the U.S. Senate. He quickly grew uninterested in that office, and when the political winds shifted he abandoned his biggest legislative priority, comprehensive immigration reform. Rubio is a likable opportunist with a persuasive sales pitch but a thin record of accomplishment.

Man avslutar lite senare:

This is a pivotal moment for the Republican Party, which has to broaden its message and its appeal to women and minorities to ensure its long-term future. Bush has the best potential to connect with the voters in a general election and take the nation forward rather than backward. For the Republican nomination for president, the Tampa Bay Times recommends Jeb Bush.

Källor: Tampa Bay Times, The Hill

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Jeb Bush nu tvåa i New Hampshire 20160128

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