torsdag 10 september 2015

Al Qaida erkänner inte- men accepterar ISIS

Al Qaidas ledare Ayman al-Zawahiri, som tog över ledarskapet vid Bin Ladens död 2011, har i en ny ljudinspelning uttalat sig om ISIS. Han konstaterar att Al Qaida inte anser Abu Bakr Al Bagdadhis islamiska stat var något legitimt kalifat, men menar ändå att de muslimer som befinner sig i mellanöstern bör stödja ISIS, i den större kampen mot korsfarare, sekularister och shiiter. Han citeras i Huffington Post:

"We don't recognize the caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," he says in an audiotape released by al Qaeda's official media wing. He also tells Muslims they are not obligated to join it.

"Despite the big mistakes [of Islamic State], if I were in Iraq or Syria I would cooperate with them in killing the crusaders and secularists and Shiites even though I don't recognize the legitimacy of their state, because the matter is bigger than that,"

Källa: Huffington Post

Se även tidigare inlägg:

USA:s hemliga drönarkampanj mot ISIS-ledare 20150902

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