torsdag 7 juli 2016

Jared Kushner: Min svärfar Donald Trump är ingen antisemit

Donald Trump har anklagats för antisemitism. Nu tas han i försvar av sin judiske svärson Jared Kushner, som i Observer skriver om anklagelserna, den Donald Trump han själv lärt känna, och sin egen judiska bakgrund med morföräldrar som dog i förintelsen. Kushner skriver bl a:

"... Donald Trump is not anti-Semitic and he’s not a racist. ...

... The fact is that my father in law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embraced my family and our Judaism since I began dating my wife. His support has been unwavering and from the heart. I have personally seen him embrace people of all racial and religious backgrounds, at his companies and in his personal life. This caricature that some want to paint as someone who has “allowed” or encouraged intolerance just doesn’t reflect the Donald Trump I know. The from-the-heart reactions of this man are instinctively pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. Just last week, at an event in New Hampshire, an audience member asked about wasting money on “Zionist Israel.” My father-in-law didn’t miss a beat in replying that “Israel is a very, important ally of the United States and we are going to protect them 100 percent.” No script, no handlers, no TelePrompter—just a strong opinion from the heart.

There’s real racism in the world. ... But blaming Donald Trump for the most outrageous things done by people who claim to support him is no different from blaming Bernie Sanders for the people who stomp and spit on American flags at his rallies.

I sin text nämner Jared Kushner alltså också sina morföräldrars upplevelser under Nazitysklands välde för att påvisa att han förstår skillnaden mellan påstått hat och riktigt hat. En del av Kushners familj anser dock att han inte bör dra in släktens förintelseupplevelser i Donald Trumps valmaskineri, något Politico här skriver om.

Donald Trump är dock nöjd med svärsonens insats.

Källor: Observer, Politico

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Trump avfärdar Clintons anklagelse om antisemitism 20160705

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