torsdag 11 september 2014

Nuri Kinos tal i Washington D.C

Igår höll den svensk-assyriske journalisten Nuri Kino - grundare av A Demand For Action - en presskonferens på Capitol Hill om situationen i Irak och Syrien med krav på en internationellt fredad skyddszon i Irak för kristna och andra minoriteter - varefter han sedan besökte Vita Huset strax innan president Obamas stora tal om kampen mot ISIS. I ett uttalande inför presskonferensen sa Nuri Kino:

“Now the world is beginning to see what we have seen for so long,” said Nuri Kino, founder of ADFA and a Swedish-Assyrian investigative journalist. “We have followed jihadists for 10 years. We reported, testified, warned. No one listened. Meanwhile, jihadists published their beheadings on video right in front of our eyes. If Assyrians and Yezidis are not able to return home, it is a direct message to ISIL that they can get away with their atrocities, that the world accepts it. It is also an open invitation to expand the caliphate to the rest of the world. We need to care, right now.”

På presskonferensen visades senare videoklipp som Kino tagit under åren, och manade även där till en skyddzon upprätthållen av en internationell styrka och vapen till ursprungs/minoritetsgrupperna i Irak. Efteråt- och efter mötet i Vita Huset noterade Kino också att Obama infogat ett stycke från dem i sitt tal om kampen mot ISIS, när Obama sa:

" ... as well as tens of thousands of Christians and other religious minorities. We cannot allow these communities to be driven from their ancient homelands."

Nuri Kino kommenterade:

“Two ours after A Demand For Action's meeting at the White House President Barack Obama used our language (mine and Steve Oshana's). We are excited, proud and moved. To all of you who are part of our grassroots movement and on behalf of all our refugees, all our victims and martyrs: Thank you!"

Här skriver också Steven Oshana, Director of Government Affairs, A Demand for Action, en reflektion om den händelserika gårdagen under rubriken "Mr. Kino Goes to Washington":

What a day for the Assyrian/Syriac/Chaldean people. Today A Demand for Action showed Washington and the world that our people are united for singular purpose of putting an end to the generations of suffering.

Och vidare:

Our biggest boon, however, came later this evening: Mere hours after we met with the White House and had our press conference, we heard the President speak in terms nearly identical to that of our own AFDA policy regarding ISIL and the persecution of our people. Needless to say, our voices are being heard at the absolute highest levels of government.

Häftigt, hedervärt och alltigenom ytterst angeläget.

UPPDATERING: Här kan presskonferensen ses där kongresskvinna Jan Schakowsky också deltar:

Källor: SVD, US8, Världen Idag

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Obamas tal om ISIS 20140911

Podd 52: Islamiska Staten - En Introduktion 20140830

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