Ursprungligen fanns 200 tävlande, men dödshoten vällde in, och kvar fanns så småningom bara 10 eftersom många hoppade av. Qasims seger innebar dock en markering, konstaterar tävlingens direktör Ahmed Leith:
"Iraq needed this," pageant director Ahmed Leith said. "The situation is weak here, and we wanted to celebrate this the same way other countries like Lebanon and others do. To have a sense of normalcy."Nu hotar ISIS dock med att kidnappa Shaima Qasim, som direkt efter segern fick ett otrevligt telefonsamtal där hon hotades till döds. Hon säger dock:
"It is about having the courage to stand against all odds, something we all try to do."
“I want to prove that the Iraqi woman has her own existence in society, she has her rights like men. I am afraid of nothing because I am confident that what I am doing is not wrong. ”
Källor: CNN, Newsweek
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