söndag 1 november 2015

Fred Thompson avliden vid 73 års ålder

Fd Tennesse-senator Fred Thompson har idag avlidit, vid 73 års ålder.

Thompson var senator för Tennessee mellan 1994 och 2003. Han var dessutom skådespelare och var med i Jakten på Röd Oktober, Die Hard 2, Law and Order och mycket annat.

Han ställde också upp i presidentvalet 2008 där han till slut gav upp för att istället ge sitt stöd åt John McCain.

Thompsons familj släppte följande meddelande i samband med hans bortgång:

“It is with a heavy heart and a deep sense of grief that we share the passing of our brother, husband, father, and grandfather who died peacefully in Nashville surrounded by his family,” the statement said.

It continued: "Fred once said that the experiences he had growing up in small-town Tennessee formed the prism through which he viewed the world and shaped the way he dealt with life. Fred stood on principle and common sense, and had a deep love for and connection with the people across Tennessee whom he had the privilege to serve in the United States Senate. He enjoyed a hearty laugh, a strong handshake, a good cigar, and a healthy dose of humility. Fred was the same man on the floor of the Senate, the movie studio, or the town square of Lawrenceburg, his home.

"Fred believed that the greatness of our nation was defined by the hard work, faith, and honesty of its people. He had an enduring belief in the exceptionalism of our country, and that America could provide the opportunity for any boy or girl, in any corner of our country, to succeed in life. "

Här Fox News om hans bortgång:

Och här NBC:

Källor: Fox News, MSNBC

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