fredag 30 december 2011

Kandidaternas slutargument inför Iowa

USA Today har här gett alla sju republikanska toppkandidater möjlighet till några korta slutanföranden om varför de bör vinna, så här dagarna inför nomineringsvalet i Iowa på tisdag.

"I want to be America's Margaret Thatcher," sa Michele Bachmann.

Ron Paul betonade vikten av konstitutionen och sa:

"We desperately need a restoration of our constitutional principles and limited government."

Newt Gingrich betonade sin debattförmåga och sa:

"The key to the election this fall is to be able to debate President Obama," Gingrich said, "and I think everyone would agree from the debates we've had that I'm a much more effective advocate for our values and our beliefs than Romney is."

Jon Huntsman som satsat alla sina slantar i New Hampshire tonade ner vikten av Iowa och sa:

"Iowa will be forgotten about after a day or two, and all eyes will be on New Hampshire, which is the first primary state, where you will get all voters who will turn out."

Rick Perry betonade sin förmåga att skapa jobb:

"If they are looking for someone who's got the executive governing experience in creating jobs and creating an environment where men and women can have the dignity to take care of their family, there's not anybody on that stage that even gets close to what I've been a part of in the state of Texas."

Mitt Romney förklarade att han var "the last man standing" och sa:

"We've had one leader after another slowly rise and then be brought down to Earth, and at this stage we seem to be rising in esteem instead of declining," he said. "I think most of the candidates have been put under the microscope, and now that that's happened, we're getting more support."

Och Rick Santorum sa att han var den bäste kandidat att utifrån konservativa principer kunna besegra Obama:

"Iowans are looking to answer two questions: who's the best candidate to defeat Barack Obama and who can we trust to stand up for the conservative principles to lead this country effectively, after they win the election,"

Intervjuerna i dess helhet kan läsas hos USA Today.

Källa: USA Today

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Tårögd Gingrich minns sin mor 20111230

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