söndag 4 december 2011

Kommentarer om Herman Cains kampanjslut

November 2011 blev en katastrofmånad för Herman Cain. Från att ha varit republikansk front-runner med alla möjligheter att bli den tydliga "Inte-Romney-kandidaten" - föll han hastigt efter att anklagelserna om sexuella trakasserier blossade upp i kombination med trassliga uttalanden om utrikespolitik och annat. Igår beslöt Cain därför att det var dags att avsluta sin presidentkampanj.

Reaktioner på beslutet har kommit från olika håll. Town-Hall rapporterar om vad Cains republikanska medkandidater hade att säga om saken:

Huntsman: "Herman Cain offered a unique and valuable voice to the debate over how to reform our country's uncompetitive tax code and turn around the economy. I understand his decision and wish him and his family the best."

Bachmann: "Herman Cain provided an important voice to this process. His ideas and energy generated tremendous enthusiasm for the conservative movement at a time it was so desperately needed to restore confidence in our country. I wish Herman, his wife Gloria, and his family all the best."

Perry: "I know this was a difficult decision for Herman Cain, his family and his supporters. He helped invigorate conservative voters and our nation with a discussion of major tax reform. Anita and I wish him and his entire family all the best."

Gingrich: “Herman Cain’s 999 plan got our country talking about the critical issue of how to reform our tax code and he elevated the dialogue of the Republican presidential primary in the process. I am proud to know Herman Cain and consider him a friend. I know from having worked with him for more than a decade he will continue to be a powerful voice in the conservative movement for years to come.”

Johnson: “I have no doubt Herman Cain will remain a significant voice in the dialogue about the many important issues we face. His rejection of business-as-usual in Washington has been a valuable part of this campaign, and clearly resonates with a great many Americans. I wish him the best.”

Romney: "Herman's campaign was one of ideas," Romney said. "His decision was based on what is best for him and his family."

Herman Cains anhängare blev emellertid förstås besvikna, något Los Angeles Times här rapporterar om.

39-åriga Kerry Hobbes ville se Cain stanna kvar i racet:

“I really want him to stay in. If he’s going to lose, let him lose fairly—because the people like another person’s policies. Don’t let him lose over a character assassination.”

När beskedet att kampanjen var över kom besvikelsen:

“I just—I’m heartbroken,” sa 63-åriga Hokey Sloan, 63 från Auburn, Ga. “He was the one candidate I could really agree with.”

Om Cain lyckas behålla sina trogna anhängare så finns dock fortfarande en liten möjlighet att den kandidat som nomineras till presidentkandidat väljer Cain som sin vice. Chansen är kanske inte längre jättestor med tanke på det bagage Cain nu dras med - men möjligtvis något att ändå hoppas på för hans besvikna anhängare.

Källor: Town Hall, Los Angeles Times

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Herman Cain avslutar sin presidentkampanj 20111203

2 kommentarer:

Andreas Sjöberg sa...

Detta tycker jag var kul!


Ronie Berggren sa...

Ja, i sitt avslutningstal så kommenterar han faktiskt den saken :)