torsdag 10 januari 2013

Vita Huset ger svar om Piers Morgan

Vita Huset gav idag ett officiellt svar på kravet att deportera den brittiske journalisten Piers Morgan. Vita Husets talesman Jay Carney konstaterade att Konstitutionen inte bara garanterar rätten att bära vapen, utan också garanterar yttrandefrihet och att regeringen inte bör straffa någon för att denne uttrycker sin syn på det andra konstitutionstillägget - någon deportering av Piers Morgan, kommer således inte att ske. Här är Jay Carneys uttalande:

Let’s not let arguments over the Constitution’s Second Amendment violate the spirit of its First. President Obama believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. However, the Constitution not only guarantees an individual right to bear arms, but also enshrines the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press -- fundamental principles that are essential to our democracy. Americans may disagree on matters of public policy and express those disagreements vigorously, but no one should be punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the Second Amendment -- or any other matter of public concern.

We recognize that the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, sparked an intense, and at times emotional, national conversation about the steps we can take as a country to reduce gun violence. In fact, your petition is one of many on the issue, and President Obama personally responded by sharing his views on this important issue.


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