torsdag 28 maj 2015

Daniel Hannan delar ut pris till Jim DeMint för EU-kritisk insikt

Jim DeMint, tidigare senator från South Carolina och numera president för den konservativa tankesmedjan Heritage Foundation, tilldelades för en vecka sedan ett pris - The Edmund Burke Award - av Daniel Hannan, ledare för EU-parlamentsgruppen The Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR), som tack för att Jim DeMints förstår och delar den europeiskt konservativa EU-kritik som många konservativa amerikaner ännu ej satt sig in i.

I sitt tacktal sa DeMint bl a följande efter att ha gratulerat till de konservativas seger i Storbritannien:

As one who has made many enemies in Washington by proving wrong some of America’s most clever political men and women, I salute my British and European colleagues here tonight for standing together against the clever men who are leading the global march toward centralized power.

Och vidare:

The European Union was founded with a noble goal: to ensure peace, freedom, friendship, and shared prosperity between the inhabitants of the continent and their neighbors. The same sentiments were expressed in similar words in the preamble to America’s Constitution.

I’m sure there is no one here today who wishes anything less for the people of Europe or America.

But when an alliance of states or nations with such noble goals is used by zealots to impose policies abhorrent to a diverse citizenry, it becomes a source of tyranny, division and oppression. We can all live in peace and harmony with neighbors who have very different beliefs and lifestyles, unless that neighbor uses the power of a distant government to force us to conform to his beliefs and lifestyles. When the hopes, dreams and goals of individual members are superseded by a central power, that power subverts the very freedoms it was founded to protect.


... heaven forbid you should object to settling thousands of new people in your country—even if some of them despise everything your country stands for.

Heaven forbid you object to making your currency and markets subject to the actions of foreign bankers and failing states.

Perhaps worst of all, when nations allow political and economic power to concentrate away from the smaller actors in society it breeds resentment instead of promoting unity.

Och slutligen:

And let there be no mistake: Critics of the European Union do not disdain their fellow Europeans. On the contrary, they love their neighbors enough to let them manage their own business without interference.

They understand that there is more power and freedom in independent nations living together in harmony than many nations losing their identities by dissolving into a conglomerate.


Ett mycket insiktsfullt tal av Jim DeMint, som också tydligt visar att det är vi konservativa som verkligen förstår situationen både i Europa och omvärlden.

Kristdemokratiska EUrofiler gör det inte. Internationalistiska liberaler gör det inte heller. Dessa är i många avseenden givetvis våra allierade då vi tror på samma grundläggande värderingar, men de har inte förmågan att leda världen in i framtiden, eller insikten att förstå vad som utgör vår tids verkliga hot. Och det är samma hot som alltid hotat mänskligheten - hotet från centraliserad mänsklig makt.

Källa: Daily Signal

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Poddar med Daniel Hannan:

Podd 55: Daniel Hannan om den Anglosfäriska Civilisationen 20141028

Podd 23: Daniel Hannan, UKIP och Europas behov av en EU-kritisk konservatism 20130709

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