Men Hoekstra satsar nu på senatsvalet och deltar för närvarande i republikanernas primärval. De senaste veckorna har han dock fått problem efter att ha kört följande reklam-ad mot den sittande demokratiska senatorn Debbie Stabenow - som många tolkade som rasistisk:
Reklamsnutten kördes i hela Michigan under Super Bowl - men möttes direkt av skarp kritik, som Wikipedia sammanfattar som följande:
Asian-American groups called the ad “very disturbing”, national GOP consultant Mike Murphy said it was “really, really dumb”, and Foreign Policy magazine managing editor Blake Hounshell called it “despicable.” A coalition of black ministers in Detroit called for Hoekstra to apologize. Two of Hoekstra’s GOP opponents, Clark Durant and Gary Glenn, questioned whether Hoekstra is the right candidate for Republicans to support.[30] The ad was called “blatantly racist" by Michael Yaki, former aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.[31] Sen. Dan Inouye, the longest serving senator in Congress, said Hoekstra's "racist thoughts are not welcome in the United States Senate.”[32] Journalist James Fallows of The Atlantic called it the "most revolting ad".[33] The NAACP denounced the ad as an "unnecessary race card."[34]
Pete Hoekstra plockade i samband med kritiken ner reklamsnutten för några dagar sedan. Nu har också skådespelerskan Lisa Chan bett om ursäkt för ad:en och skriver på sin Facebook-sida:
"I am deeply sorry for any pain that the character I portrayed brought to my communities. As a recent college grad who has spent time working to improve communities and empower those without a voice, this role is not in any way representative of who I am. It was absolutely a mistake on my part and one that, over time, I hope can be forgiven. I feel horrible about my participation and I am determined to resolve my actions."
Själv anser jag att Hoekstras ad bäst sammanfattas av Mike Murphys beskrivning: “really, really dumb”
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