söndag 19 februari 2012

Santorum kritiserar Obamas teologi

Rick Santorum angrep igår Barack Obamas kristna teologi. Obama var visserligen kristen, konstaterade Santorum inför en grupp te-party-aktivister i Columbus, Ohio:

“The president says he’s a Christian, he’s a Christian,”

Han fortsatte dock med att förklara att Obamas idéer skulle kunna kallas en teologi, vänsterns teologi:

The president has reached a new low in this country’s history of oppressing religious freedom that we have never seen before. If he doesn’t want to call his imposition of his values a theology that’s fine, but it is an imposition of his values over a church who has very clear theological reasons for opposing what the Obama administration is forcing on them.”

Han fortsatte lite senare att tala om detta:

"I’ve been pretty clear that the left in America has their own moral code in which they want to impose on this country. You can call it a theology. You can call it a moral code. You can call it a world view, but they have their own moral code that they want to impose on everybody else. While they insist and complain that somehow or another that people of Judeo Christian faith are intolerant of their new moral code that they want to create here. I’m just saying they the ones who are intolerant in imposing their will on in this case the Catholic church.”

Källa: MSNBC

Se även tidigare inlägg:

O Reilly om Santorums problemfyllda vecka 20120218

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