lördag 25 april 2015

Gay-par bojkottas för mottagande av Ted Cruz

Två homosexuella hotellägare i New York, tog i måndags emot ett besök i sitt hem av Ted Cruz - som sedan länge är motståndare till gay-äktenskap, något han inte hymlat med vare sig inför dem eller några andra.

Mötet blev omskrivet, och nu utsätts gay-paret för bojokotter av andra "toleransförespråkande" gay-rättsaktivister. Broadway Cares - en välgörenhetsorganisation mot AIDS - skriver att de ställer in en insamlingsgala som var tänkt att hållas på en klubb ägd av mannen som tog emot Cruz i sitt hem:

It is with regret that we have decided to cancel this year’s edition of the Broadway Bares Solo Strips fundraiser, which was scheduled for May 10 at the NYC club 42West. We cannot in good conscience hold an event at a venue whose owners have alienated our community, as reflected in an April 23 New York Times story and an April 24 follow-up post.

We do business with and accept fundraising support from a variety of people across a wide spectrum of political and religious affiliations. The rich diversity of our community makes what we do together so special. It is a rare instance where the actions of a donor negatively impacts us as an organization and potentially jeopardizes our relationship with others whose support is integral to our success. But when it does occur, in a way that’s blatantly against all we stand and work for, we can’t pretend it doesn’t come with consequences. Silence is not a neutral position. It is complicit.

Ted Cruz skriver själv följande på sin hemsida, om den intolerans som finns inom mainstreammedia ifråga om konservativas förhållninssätt till homosexuella, som de aldrig tycks få grepp om:

"It speaks volumes that the New York Times considers it newsworthy that a Republican who believes marriage is between a man and a woman would meet with people who hold a different view. The purpose of the meeting and the primary topics of conversation were national security, foreign policy, and America's commitment to standing with Israel. On the subject of marriage, when asked, I stated directly and unambiguously what everyone in the room already knew, that I oppose gay marriage and I support traditional marriage.

"One person further asked how Heidi and I would react if we found out one of our (4 and 7-year-old) daughters were gay. My reply: 'We would love her with all our hearts. We love our daughters unconditionally.'

"A conservative Republican who is willing to meet with individuals who do not agree on marriage and who loves his daughters unconditionally may not reflect the caricature of conservatives promoted by the left, but it's hardly newsworthy.

"I know it's been a long time since we've seen it, but this is what it means to truly be a 'big tent Republican' instead of a panderer. I'm happy to go anywhere to anyone to champion conservative values. We're not always going to agree on everything, and I'm not going to change my fundamental values. But at the same time, I'm hoping to offer enough bold leadership on a broad slate of issues that many voters will decide we agree on far more than we disagree."

Källor: CBS, Hot Air

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Podd 73: Presidentvalet 2016 - Del 5: Ted Cruz först ut på spelplanen 20150324


Hillary Clinton 2004: Äktenskapet består av en man och en kvinna 20150423

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