tisdag 8 maj 2012

Santorum endorsar Mitt Romney

Det tog ett litet tag - vilket ofta brukar kunna vara fallet i hårda primärvalskampanjer - men nu har Rick Santorum också han endorsat sin tidigare rival Mitt Romney, som i fredags träffade Santorum i Pittsburgh i över en timme. I ett meddelande förklarade Santorum:

"The primary campaign certainly made it clear that Gov. Romney and I have some differences. But there are many significant areas in which we agree," Santorum wrote, citing common ground in economic, social and foreign policy.

He added: "Above all else, we both agree that President Obama must be defeated. The task will not be easy. It will require all hands on deck if our nominee is to be victorious. Gov. Romney will be that nominee and he has my endorsement and support to win this the most critical election of our lifetime."

Källa: Fox News

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