fredag 9 november 2012

Tim Pawlenty om GOP:s problem

Den före detta guvernören från Minnesota (som är republikan) oroas över valresultatet:

    Campaigns and elections are markets,” Pawlenty said in an interview. “You have voters coming forward and registering their preferences in a political marketplace, and the Republican Party just lost market share.

Enligt Pawlently måste republikanerna vidga sin väljarbas:

    Some of the things that I think the Republican Party is facing as a challenge is the need to do better with Hispanic and Latino voters, the need to do better with female voters, the need to do better with blue-collar voters who are folks who are not just from higher income levels but people in middle and lower modest income backgrounds.

Frågan är dock hur republikanerna skall locka dessa väljargrupper. Debatten om detta har bara börjat.


Tim Pawlenty: Election 'warning signs' for GOP

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