lördag 4 april 2015

Två kvinnor i New York arresteras efter att ha inspirerats av ISIS

Två kvinnor i New York arresterades i torsdags för att ha planerat att bygga en bomb, inspirerade av ISIS. Här CBS News:

Federala åklagare Loretta Lynch uttalade sig:

“We are committed to doing everything in our ability to detect, disrupt, and deter attacks by homegrown violent extremists. As alleged, the defendants in this case carefully studied how to construct an explosive device to launch an attack on the homeland. We remain firm in our resolve to hold accountable anyone who would seek to terrorize the American people, whether by traveling abroad to commit attacks overseas or by plotting here at home.”

Källor: CBS, CNN

Se även tidigare inlägg:

ISIS-misstänkta med plan att mörda Obama har gripits 20150226

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