onsdag 13 januari 2010

Demokraterna kastar in sitt tunga artilleri i Massachusettsvalet

Demokraterna har plötsligt insett att det som var tänkt att bli en symbolisk procedur gällande att ersätta den avlidne senatorn Ted Kennedy i Senaten, har blivit en valkampanj där Demokraten Martha Coakley inte alls med full säkerhet kommer att utgå som segrare. En förlust för för henne skulle inte bara innebära en seger för Republikanerna och dess kandidat Scott Brown, utan också en förlust för sjukvårdsreformen som skulle få mycket svårt att gå igenom (även om Demokraterna också tänkt ut en strategi om de mot förmodan skulle förlora i Massachusetts). Demokraterna har därför laddat det tunga artilleriet bakom Cloakley.

Delstatens främste senator John Kerry, som också var Demokraternas presidentkandidat 2004, skickade ut ett insamlings e-mail till förmån för Coakley, som gick ut till 3 miljoner läsare där han skrev:

"This is our wake-up call. Polls in Massachusetts are tightening, and one even shows a dead heat in the fight to keep Ted Kennedy's seat in the hands of a Democrat who will fight and vote for jobs, health care, clean energy and mainstream values." Och fortsatte lite senare: "The next five days will decide the fate of Ted Kennedy's seat. We can't leave anything to chance."

På fredag planerar John Kerry också att kampanja för Martha Coakley tillsammans med tidigare president Bill Clinton. Också president Obama har gett sig in i leken, och skickade ut ett e-mail-meddelande där han på sin e-mail-lista skrev följande brev:

"Friend --

On January 19th, Massachusetts voters will head to the polls to choose your next senator. We all need Ted Kennedy's seat to be filled by a champion for change -- and Martha Coakley is that champion.

The outcome of this race couldn't be more important. To help Americans get back to work, jump-start a clean-energy economy, and put a stop to abuses on Wall Street that place us at risk, I need every ally possible in the Senate.

You've worked so hard to organize around these and so many other critical issues. And now we're so close to passing health reform -- finally realizing Senator Kennedy's life's work. But we cannot get the job done without Martha Coakley in the Senate. And that means it may well all come down to you.

I'm asking you to pledge a few hours or as much time as you can spare in this last critical week to volunteer at an event near you to help Martha win.

Because this is a special election being held at an unusual time, most folks don't yet know where to vote or what's at stake. And since the race is tight and turnout in these types of elections is usually low, each vote makes a huge difference. Simply by reaching out to let your neighbors know the power of their vote, you could help tip the balance.

Among the nation's finest attorneys general, Martha Coakley has served the public for over 20 years as a tireless advocate for individuals and communities throughout the Commonwealth. Her record of protecting children from abuse and promoting reform in the criminal justice system is truly outstanding.

If elected, I know Martha will work with Senator Kerry and continue the proud tradition of Senator Kennedy as a fighter for opportunity and social justice for the people of Massachusetts and our nation.

And as the first female senator ever elected in Massachusetts, Martha's victory would mark a historic step forward in our national march toward equality.

The stakes are high. Time is short. And your role is essential.

Please RSVP for an event near you, and give as much time as you can:


Thank you,

President Barack Obama"

Att Demokraterna plötsligt går ut så hårt och så mycket för att garantera Martha Coakleys seger är ett tecken på att Demokraterna är oroliga. Valet hålls den 19 januari. MSNBC har här ett inslag om saken:

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Källor: Fox News, MSNBC

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Sista debatten i Massachusetts 20100113

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