En ny analys gjord av Associated Press har dock kommit fram till att Obamas stimulanspengar inte har gjort något för att motverka arbetslösheten. MSNBC har här en artikel som förklarar AP:s studie:
"Ten months into President Barack Obama's first economic stimulus plan, a surge in spending on roads and bridges has had no effect on local unemployment and only barely helped the beleaguered construction industry, an AP analysis has found.
Spend a lot or spend nothing at all, it didn't matter, the AP analysis showed"
Artikeln förklarar sedan att Obama vill ha ett andra stimulanspaket på 75 miljarder dollar från Kongressen. Analysen gjord av AP indikerar dock att det Obama i sådana fall tänker spendera de nya pengarna på inte heller kommer att fungera:
"Obama wants a second stimulus bill from Congress that relies in part on more road and bridge spending, projects the president said are "at the heart of our effort to accelerate job growth."
Construction spending would be a key part of the Jobs for Main Street Act, a $75 billion second stimulus to revive the nation's lethargic unemployment rate and improve the dismal job market for construction workers. The House approved the bill 217-212 last month after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., worked the floor for an hour; the Senate is expected to consider it later in January.
AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed that strategy hasn't affected unemployment rates so far. And there's concern it won't work the second time."
The Tennessean tar upp samma sak och beskriver utifrån AP:s analys om vad de 20 miljarder som redan spenderats på bro- och vägprojekt resulterat - eller inte resulterat i:
A federal spending surge of more than $20 billion for roads and bridges in President Barack Obama's first stimulus has had no effect on local unemployment rates, raising questions about his argument for billions more to address an "urgent need to accelerate job growth."
Artikeln fortsätter:
"Road spending would total nearly $28 billion of the Jobs for Main Street Act, a $75 billion second stimulus to help lower the unemployment rate and improve the dismal job market for construction workers. The Senate is expected to consider the House-approved bill this month.
But AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed that the strategy of pumping transportation money into counties hasn't affected local unemployment rates.
"There seems to me to be very little evidence that it's making a difference," said Todd Steen, an economics professor at Hope College in Michigan who reviewed the AP analysis."
Artikeln ger också ett exempel på ett lokalt område som fått stora mängder stimulanspengar:
Few counties received more road money per capita than Marshall County, Tenn., about 90 minutes south of Nashville.
Obama's stimulus is paying the salaries of dozens of workers there, but local officials said the unemployment rate continues to rise and is expected to top 20 percent soon.
The new money for road projects isn't enough to offset the thousands of local jobs lost from the closing of manufacturing plants and automotive parts suppliers.
"The stimulus has not benefited the working-class people of Marshall County at all," said Isaac Zimmerle, who has seen his construction business slowly dry up since 2008, when he built 30 homes.
Och Yahoo News förklarar i följande artikel hur Obama-administrationen - som länge hävdat "hur många jobb stimulanspaketet räddat", nu i efter mycket kritik om att statistiken varit felaktig, ändrat räknemetod till en metod som gör i praktiken gör det omöjligt att räkna något alls. Yahoo News skriver i följande artikel:
"The White House has abandoned its controversial method of counting jobs under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus, making it impossible to track the number of jobs saved or created with the $787 billion in recovery money.
Despite mounting a vigorous defense of its earlier count of more than 640,000 jobs credited to the stimulus, even after numerous errors were identified, the Obama administration now is making it easier to give the stimulus credit for hiring. It's no longer about counting a job as saved or created; now it's a matter of counting jobs funded by the stimulus."
Enkelt sagt: de jobb som nu räknas som "räddade" eller "skapade" är de jobb där de "stimulans-anställda" helt enkelt placerats på statens lönelista. Artikeln fortsätter:
"That means that any stimulus money used to cover payroll will be included in the jobs credited to the program, including pay raises for existing employees and pay for people who never were in jeopardy of losing their positions.
The new rules, quietly published last month in a memorandum to federal agencies..."
Artikeln förklarar vidare:
"Recipients of recovery money no longer have to show that a job would have been lost without the stimulus help, and they no longer are required to keep an ongoing tally of jobs saved or created. The new rules allow stimulus recipients to limit the job tally to quarterly reports, making it impossible to avoid double-counting a job that was created in one quarter and continued into the next."
Allt detta är naturligtvis både dåliga och häpnadsväckande nyheter: att stimulanspaketet inte fungerar på det sätt som utlovats är dåliga nyheter för Obama-administrationen. Och även om man inte nödvändigtvis vill ge Republikanernas ekonomiska teorier rätt för den sakens skull, så står det dock allt tydligare att de teorier som Obama har förespråkat och argumenterat igenom sitt stimulanspaket med hjälp av, inte har fungerat. Det häpnadsväckande i sammanhanget är att Obama-administrationen dock inte enbart vägrar att erkänna detta, utan att de också gör processen svårare gällande att statistiskt kunna undersöka vad stimulanspaketet faktiskt har åstadkommit. Genom de nya räkningsreglerna så blir det lättare att hålla stimulanspaketets resultat öppet för debatt, än att göra statistiska konstateranden. Med tanke på att Obama verkar tycka om att betraktas som sofistikerat vetenskaplig, så är det förvånande. Men möjligheten finns förstås att han agerar utifrån vilken part som tjänar bäst på saken. Rent hypotetiskt så ter sig det tämligen troligt. Till dem som inte tjänar bästa på saken hör dock statistikerna.
Källor: MSNBC, The Tennessean, Yahoo News
Se även tidigare inlägg:
Stimulanspengar till tennisplaner och falska postnummer 20100105
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