söndag 6 mars 2011

George W. Bush och Robert Gates på scout-event i Dallas

Tidigare president George W. Bush och försvarsminister Robert Gates som tillsattes av Bush som försvarsminister 2006 och därefter fortsatt också under president Obama. deltog tillsammans på ett scout-event i Dallas i torsdags.

I sina unga år var båda männen scouter och Bush introducerade Gates genom att beskriva vad som bevittnade Gates starka karaktär:

"There have only been four secretaries of defense in our history ... who have served under two presidents ... and only one has served under a Republican and a Democrat," Bush told a crowd of more than 500 at the Hilton Anatole. "That speaks to the character and influence of Bob Gates."

Bush fortsatte:

"he gave good advice to me, and I'm confident [he's giving it] to our current president all the time."

Robert Gates var lika snar med att uttrycka sin tacksamhet till Bush och sa:

"On a personal note, I would like to thank you again for granting me the opportunity to serve as secretary of defense," Gates told Bush. "Sir, you gave me the chance every day to work with the finest people in the world: soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

"I always appreciated your steadfast support and your confidence."

Robert Gates var huvudtalaren på eventet, men Bushs bok "Decision Points" delades också ut till somliga i skaran och båda fick stående ovationer.

Källa: Star Telegram

Se även tidigare inlägg:

George W. Bush i Washington DC för att hedra Bill Frist 20110303

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