fredag 1 januari 2010

Karl Rove om Joe Biden

Karl Rove ger i följande artikel i Wall Street Journal förslag på nyårslöften som politiker och Demokrater borde ge. Bland annat skriver han:

"In 2010, Mr. Obama should work on his habit of leaving a room of people with deeply divided opinions thinking he agrees with all of them."

Och vidare:

"Finally, Mr. Obama should work on meaning what he says. He didn't last year with all those health-care deadlines and tough talk supporting the public option."

En av de mer roliga sakerna är dock Roves kommentar om vice-president Joe Biden:

"Vice President Joe Biden should resolve to speak publicly less. Every time he opens his mouth, the West Wing staff uses him to make the president look good by comparison."

Källa: Wall Street Journal

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Joe Biden arbetar anonymt hemifrån 20091221

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