lördag 31 maj 2008
Ännu en video med den katolske pastorn i Obamas kyrka
Till skillnad från dessa puckon så är McClellan åtminstone en tänkande människa, ingen neandertalare som den här killen.
Några reflektioner om McClellan
Jag har väldigt stor förståelse för vad McClellan försöker beskriva. Instängda miljöer blir sektaktiga, och sådant gynnar tyvärr sällan sanningen. Och sådant måste konfronteras - och därför tror jag säkert att många i Vita Husets administration skulle kunna lära sig en del saker av McClellan när de efter sin presidenttid har tid att själva reflektera över tiden i Vita Huset. McClellan önskar att hans bok ska få bidra till att förändra klimatet i Washington, där han menar att partipolitiken blivit viktigare än nationens bästa. I den strävan önskar jag honom lycka till.
Men jag har två invändningar mot McClellan och dennes bok. Den ena invändningen är att i princip alla kollektiva miljöer är sådana. Om en grupp människors med samma åsikter vistas i samma miljö, så ligger det i den mänskliga naturen att i första hand se med misstänksamhet, inte med öppenhet, på nya och motsägande synvinklar. Det gäller måhända även en så viktig miljö som Vita Huset (och jag betvivlar inte att så kan vara fallet, då Bush ju är en väldigt karismatisk person, i synnerhet för dem som gillar honom - som te x jag själv) - men det gäller inte bara där. Utan överallt. Och mitt personliga intryck är att ingen miljö är så inskränkt som Obama-anhängarnas. Det borde McClellan (om han nu förstår detta) också ta upp.
Det andra är att jag precis som jag skrev tidigare, anser att McClellan var illojal. Med illojal menar jag då att han svek en person som han helt uppenbart hade stor respekt för och -därför- borde varit lojal mot. Han skriver nämligen i sin bok också många berömmelser över Bush, te x att Bush är charmig, duktig politiker och trevlig et c - och det står tydligt att McClellan likväl respketerar presidenten. Han försvarar också Bush genom att säga att Bush -inte- ljög om massförstörelsevapnen, utan att han verkligen trodde på vad han sa - (andra ljög dock, men inte Bush). Här är ett andrahandscitat ur McClellans bok:
"I still like and admire George W. Bush," McClellan writes in his memoirs. "I consider him a fundamentally decent person, and I do not believe he or his White House deliberately or consciously sought to deceive the American people. But he and his advisers confused the propaganda campaign with the high level of candor and honesty so fundamentally needed to build and then sustain public support during a time of war."
Att han inte vågade eller ville berätta för dem om sina tvivel och funderingar, som han uppenbart måste ha hyst redan under sin tid i Vita Huset kan inte betraktas som något annat än fegt. Och att sen bara sluta, springa iväg och sedan skriva en bok (som jag nu ännu inte läst) som angriper Vita Huset utan att ge Vita Huset någon möjlighet alls att ställa saker och ting till rätta, måste tyvärr betraktas som både illojalt och fegt. Men kanske än mer som något mycket omoget - att han själv inte reflekterade över sin nya förståelse tillräckligt mycket innan han rusade iväg för att dundra ut det hela till offentligheten - något mycket dumt, om han nu fortfarande hyser några band till Bush, vilket han ju ändå tycks göra.
Detta förändrar dock inte att McClellan förmodligen har en poäng - om än den sen må vara framförd på ett fegt sätt. Bush gjorde något uttalande om att han skulle försöka förlåta McClellan - det hoppas jag att han gör - och att de båda förlåter varandra.
Personligen tror jag, som jag tidigare påpekat, att Scott McClellan säkert har viktiga poänger; däremot orsakar det här så stor skada pg a att det framförs just -nu- att hans bok måste betraktas som illojal och han själv som en förrädare mot den administration han tjänat. Inget kommer att förändras på grund av hans bok - och därför kunde han likväl väntat till efter presidentvalet. Rykten går dock som säger att McClellan funderar på att endoras Obama - men det är bara rykten som jag inte satt mig in i.
Bill Clinton konspirerar
Dr. House Quotes

Dr. House: “That's absurd. I love it.”
Dr. House: "Patients always want proof. We're not making cars here, we don't give guarantees."
Dr. House: "No, treating illnesses is why we became doctors. Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable."
Dr. House: What would you prefer - a doctor who holds your hand while you die or one who ignores you while you get better? I suppose it would particularly suck to have a doctor who ignores you while you die.
"Dr. Cameron: You hired a black guy because he had a juvenile record.
Dr. House: No, it wasn't a racial thing, I didn't see a black guy. I just saw a doctor... with a juvenile record. I hired Chase 'cause his dad made a phone call. I hired you because you are extremely pretty.
Dr. Cameron: You hired me to get into my pants?!
Dr. House: I can't believe that that would shock you. It's also not what I said. No, I hired you because you look good; it's like having a nice piece of art in the lobby."
fredag 30 maj 2008
Obamas andra pastor
CIA: al-Qaida nära att besegras
Nåväl, vi får se vad som händer framöver.
Publicerad: 30 maj 2008, 12.08. Senast ändrad: 30 maj 2008, 12.50
Efter snart sju år av rakt motsatt budskap säger den amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten CIA nu att al-Qaida är på väg att besegras.
CIA-chefen Michael Hayden säger i en intervju med Washington Post att det terrornätverk Usama bin Ladin inspirerat så gott som är slaget i Irak och Saudiarabien, och på defensiven i övriga världen, inklusive kärnområdena längs gränsen mellan Afghanistan och Pakistan.
Inte minst håller organisationen på att förlora den ideologiska kampen i takt med att den muslimska allmänheten tröttnar på våldet, enligt Hayden.
- På det hela taget går det ganska bra för oss, säger han till tidningen.
Den optimistiska bedömningen levereras mindre än ett år efter den underrättelserapport som publicerades i augusti i fjol, och som sade att al-Qaida omgrupperat i de Pakistanska bergen och var redo för en ny offensiv mot USA.
Men även här tycker sig USA se framsteg. CIA har sedan januari lyckats genomföra en lång rad attacker i det svårtillgängliga området med hjälp av obemannade drönarflyg.
- Förmågan att döda och fånga nyckelmedlemmar i al-Qaida består, och tvingar dem ur balans, till och med i deras bästa skyddsnäste längs gränsen mellan Afghanistan och Pakistan, säger Hayden.
Förutom den "nära strategiska seger över al-Qaida" Hayden ser i Irak och Saudiarabien har al-Qaida lidit "avsevärda bakslag" i övriga världen.
- Och här tänker jag använda ordet 'ideologiskt', eftersom stora delar av den muslimska världen drar sig bort från deras version av islam, säger han.
Men Hayden underlåter inte att också yttra en varning för att al-Qaida fortfarande är ett allvarligt hot.
Även om al-Qaida förlorat tre höga ledare sedan årsskiftet är bin Ladin och hans vice Ayman al-Zawahiri fortfarande vid liv och i frihet. Framgångarna hotas också, enligt Hayden, av en växande känsla av säkerhet i världen och en gradvis återgång till tänkandet före 11 september 2001.
- Det faktum att vi hållits säkra av en sju år lång kampanj har fått folk att känna att "säker" är normaltillståndet. Vår inställning är: säkerhet är en hårdvunnen seger, 24 timmar om dygnet, säger Hayden.
Washington TT-AFP-Reuters
Källa: SVD
Konservativa lyckligare än vänstersympatisörer
Det har kommit en ny studie från New York University som bekräftar tidigare undersökningar från Pew Research Center om att människor med borgerliga värderingar är gladare än vänstersympatisörer, Conservatives Happier Than Liberals.
Oavsett civilstånd, inkomst eller religiös tillhörighet är högersympatiserande personer mer nöjda och känner större tillfredsställelse med livet än vänstersympatisörer, enligt den nya studien.
Ja, jag tycker mig se detta faktum bekräftat gång på gång i samhällsdebatten. Vänsteraktivister är oftast sura, arga, bittra och går till personangrepp hellre än att föra en diskussion i sak.
Källa: Erixon
Vita husets förre pressekreterare publicerar bok
Dick Erixon presenterar sina tankar om McClellan, och de är inte helt snälla.
fredag 30 maj 2008 · 14:11
Under Bill Clintons åtta år som president kom böcker från avhoppade medarbetare på löpande band, med mindre smickrande analyser inifrån Vita huset. Under George W Bush har de varit få. Och de som publicerats har kommit från i periferin övervintrade befattningshavare från tidigare administrationer (typ ambassadör Wilson och antiterroranalytikern Richard Clarke), vilka skrivit hämndböcker sedan de inte blivit befordrade av Bush. Eller från medarbetare som slutat men är lojala mot presidenten (talskrivaren David Frum och kommunikationschefen Karen Hughes).
Nu har den första kritiska boken från hjärtat av Bush-administrationen kommit, typiskt nog från sparkade pressekreteraren Scott McClellan som i stort sett alla anser var misslyckad och aldrig borde fått jobbet. Bristande klarhet, det han fick kritik för i detta jobb, präglar också boken med titeln “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” (Public Affairs).
Den verkar vara svävande, otydlig och motsägelsefull — och därför inte den guldgruva Bushkritikerna hoppats på. Tvärtom, den konservative kolumnisten Peggy Noonan i Wall Street Journal välkomnar boken, But Is It True?
Scott McClellan ondgör sig över det alla inom politiken vet, att det dagliga regerandet nu är fokuserat på mediemanipulationer . . . Vi lever i en tidsepok med permanenta valkampanjer, där regeringsutövandet bara blivit ett bihang till kampanjarbetet. Allt har blivit en fråga om hur händelser och beslut presenteras, tolkas och vinklas. Denna mentalitet kan “bryta ner” en administration så som, skriver han, Clintons blev. Och han drar hela tiden paralleller mellan Bush och Clinton. “Liksom Clinton-administrationen hade vi en aktiv kampanjstruktur inom Vita huset som styrde mycket av vad vi gjorde.”
Noonan tycker McClellans porträtt av Bush är märkligt och motsägelsefullt. Och framför allt vagt. Men hon kommer fram till att alla ögonvittnesskildringar inifrån en presidentadministration är viktiga för historien. Och ju fler som delar med sig, desto fylligare blir bilden. Då kan man också avgöra vilka uppgifter som styrks av flera källor och vilka beskrivningar som är aparta och mindre trovärdiga.
Helt rätt analys. Tänk om vi kunde få fler skildringar inifrån svenska regeringar! Nu är det bara Göran Persson och Ingvar Carlsson själva som ger sina tillrättalagda beskrivningar. Varför skriver inte de som funnits i maktens absoluta närhet?Källa: Erixon
Hur Obama vann nomineringen
Obama campaign used party rules to foil Clinton
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 36 minutes ago
Unlike Hillary Rodham Clinton, rival Barack Obama planned for the long haul. Clinton hinged her whole campaign on an early knockout blow on Super Tuesday, while Obama's staff researched congressional districts in states with primaries that were months away. What they found were opportunities to win delegates, even in states they would eventually lose.
Obama's campaign mastered some of the most arcane rules in politics, and then used them to foil a front-runner who seemed to have every advantage — money, fame and a husband who had essentially run the Democratic Party for eight years as president.
"Without a doubt, their understanding of the nominating process was one of the keys to their success," said Tad Devine, a Democratic strategist not aligned with either candidate. "They understood the nuances of it and approached it at a strategic level that the Clinton campaign did not."
Careful planning is one reason why Obama is emerging as the nominee as the Democratic Party prepares for its final three primaries, Puerto Rico on Sunday and Montana and South Dakota on Tuesday. Attributing his success only to soaring speeches and prodigious fundraising ignores a critical part of contest.
Obama used the Democrats' system of awarding delegates to limit his losses in states won by Clinton while maximizing gains in states he carried. Clinton, meanwhile, conserved her resources by essentially conceding states that favored Obama, including many states that held caucuses instead of primaries.
In a stark example, Obama's victory in Kansas wiped out the gains made by Clinton for winning New Jersey, even though New Jersey had three times as many delegates at stake. Obama did it by winning big in Kansas while keeping the vote relatively close in New Jersey.
The research effort was headed by Jeffrey Berman, Obama's press-shy national director of delegate operations. Berman, who also tracked delegates in former Rep. Dick Gephardt's presidential bids, spent the better part of 2007 analyzing delegate opportunities for Obama.
Obama won a majority of the 23 Super Tuesday contests on Feb. 5 and then spent the following two weeks racking up 11 straight victories, building an insurmountable lead among delegates won in primaries and caucuses.
What made it especially hard for Clinton to catch up was that Obama understood and took advantage of a nominating system that emerged from the 1970s and '80s, when the party struggled to find a balance between party insiders and its rank-and-file voters.
Until the 1970s, the nominating process was controlled by party leaders, with ordinary citizens having little say. There were primaries and caucuses, but the delegates were often chosen behind closed doors, sometimes a full year before the national convention. That culminated in a 1968 national convention that didn't reflect the diversity of the party — racially or ideologically.
The fiasco of the 1968 convention in Chicago, where police battled anti-war protesters in the streets, led to calls for a more inclusive process.
One big change was awarding delegates proportionally, meaning you can finish second or third in a primary and still win delegates to the party's national convention. As long candidates get at least 15 percent of the vote, they are eligible for delegates.
The system enables strong second-place candidates to stay competitive and extend the race — as long as they don't run out of campaign money.
"For people who want a campaign to end quickly, proportional allocation is a bad system," Devine said. "For people who want a system that is fair and reflective of the voters, it's a much better system."
Another big change was the introduction of superdelegates, the party and elected officials who automatically attend the convention and can vote for whomever they choose regardless of what happens in the primaries and caucuses.
Much has been made of the superdelegates this year because neither Obama nor Clinton can reach the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination without their support.
A more subtle change was the distribution of delegates within each state. As part of the proportional system, Democrats award delegates based on statewide vote totals as well as results in individual congressional districts. The delegates, however, are not distributed evenly within a state, like they are in the Republican system.
Under Democratic rules, congressional districts with a history of strong support for Democratic candidates are rewarded with more delegates than districts that are more Republican. Some districts packed with Democratic voters can have as many as eight or nine delegates up for grabs, while more Republican districts in the same state have three or four.
The system is designed to benefit candidates who do well among loyal Democratic constituencies, and none is more loyal than black voters. Obama, who would be the first black candidate nominated by a major political party, has been winning 80 percent to 90 percent of the black vote in most primaries, according to exit polls.
"Black districts always have a large number of delegates because they are the highest performers for the Democratic Party," said Elaine Kamarck, a Harvard University professor who is writing a book about the Democratic nominating process.
"Once you had a black candidate you knew that he would be winning large numbers of delegates because of this phenomenon," said Kamarck, who is also a superdelegate supporting Clinton.
In states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, Clinton won the statewide vote but Obama won enough delegates to limit her gains. In states Obama carried, like Georgia and Virginia, he maximized the number of delegates he won.
"The Obama campaign was very good at targeting districts in areas where they could do well," said former DNC Chairman Don Fowler, a Clinton superdelegate from South Carolina. "They were very conscious and aware of these nuances."
But, Fowler noted, the best strategy in the world would have been useless without the right candidate.
"If that same strategy and that same effort had been used with a different candidate, a less charismatic candidate, a less attractive candidate, it wouldn't have worked," Fowler said. "The reason they look so good is because Obama was so good."
Yahoo News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080530/ap_on_el_pr/obama_strategy
torsdag 29 maj 2008
DN: Reinfeldt måste försöka framstå som att han inte stöder Bush
In Miami, Spanish is becoming the primary language
By GISELA SALOMON, Associated Press WriterThu May 29, 4:38 AM ET
Melissa Green's mother spoke Spanish, but she never learned — her father forbid it. Today, that's a frequent problem in this city where the English-speaking population is outnumbered.
The 49-year-old flower shop owner and Miami native said her inability to speak "espanol" makes it difficult to conduct business, seek help at stores and even ask directions. She finds it "frustrating."
"It makes it hard for some people to find a job because they don't speak Spanish, and I don't think that it is right," said Green, who sometimes calls a Spanish-speaking friend to translate for customers who don't speak English.
"Sometimes I think they should learn it," she said.
In many areas of Miami, Spanish has become the predominant language, replacing English in everyday life. Anyone from Latin America could feel at home on the streets, without having to pronounce a single word in English.
In stores, shopkeepers wait on their clients in Spanish. Universities offer programs for Spanish speakers. And in supermarkets, banks, restaurants — even at the post office and government offices — information is given and assistance is offered in Spanish. In Miami, doctors and nurses speak Spanish with their patients and a large portion of advertising is in Spanish. Daily newspapers and radio and television stations cater to the Hispanic public.
But this situation, so pleasing to Latin American immigrants, makes some English speakers feel marginalized. In the 1950s, it's estimated that more than 80 percent of Miami-Dade County residents were non-Hispanic whites. But in 2006, the Census Bureau estimates that number was only 18.5 percent, and in 2015 it is forecast to be 14 percent. Hispanics now make up about 60 percent.
"The Anglo population is leaving," said Juan Clark, a sociology professor at Miami Dade College. "One of the reactions is to emigrate toward the north. They resent the fact that (an American) has to learn Spanish in order to have advantages to work. If one doesn't speak Spanish, it's a disadvantage."
According to the Census, 58.5 percent of the county's 2.4 million residents speak Spanish — and half of those say they don't speak English well. English-only speakers make up 27.2 percent of the county's residents.
In the mainly Cuban city of Hialeah and in the Miami neighborhood of Little Havana, 94 percent of residents identified themselves as Hispanic.
Andrew Lynch, an expert on linguistics and bilingualism at the University of Miami, said that the presence of Spanish-speakers first became an issue in Miami-Dade County in the 1960s and '70s with the arrival of Cuban immigrants and intensified in the '80s with immigrants from not just Cuba, but Argentina, Venezuela and elsewhere in Latin America. The exodus of English speakers soon followed.
James McCleary, his wife and two children left Miami in 1987 for Vermont, where he is now a farmer. McCleary, 58, said his inability to speak Spanish made it difficult for him to find work — it once took seven months to get hired as a cook.
"The job market was very tough. It was very, very difficult," he said.
His wife, Lauren, was born and raised in Miami and they visit at least twice a year, but she feels that it's no longer her hometown.
"I don't like being there anymore. It is very, very different," she said. "I cannot live there anymore, I can't speak their language."
Nevertheless, she likes the diversity of the population of South Florida and regrets not learning Spanish in school.
Librarian Martha Phillips, 61, believes those who speak Spanish will continue to have more opportunities and she doesn't think that's necessarily fair. Phillips said she is sorry to see non-Spanish-speakers abandoning Miami, and said she's concerned that the area "will be like a branch of Latin America."
"I do resent the fact that people seem to expect that the people who live here adjust to their ways, rather than learning English and making adjustments," she said. "Obviously I don't expect an older person to learn to speak English, but younger people come in and they don't seem to make much of an effort to learn to adapt to this country and they expect us to adapt to them."
Some Spanish speakers say they have their own trouble with those who only speak English.
Mary Bravo, a 37-year-old Venezuelan business owner, moved to Miami nine years ago. She understands English but only speaks a little.
"This land is theirs. We should try to speak English," she said, "but they don't even try to understand us."
Källa: Yahoo!
19 year-old gamer becomes mayor of Oklahoma town
Teen goes from zoning out to zoning laws
Like any red-blooded American teenager, John Tyler Hammons digs rock music, fast cars, video games and...fiscal planning?
Apparently so. The AP reports that the University of Oklahoma freshman trounced 70 year-old Hershel McBride to become the mayor of Muskogee, Oklahoma, making it the first city in the nation to be governed by a self-admitted gamer.
But while he could own any of his peers at Halo 3, the fresh-faced leader is turning his sights on cleaning up the town's politics by establishing an independent ethics commission and locking down campaign finance reporting.
"I'm sure the (city) council will work with me on these issues," he said. "I campaigned on this, and this is something I intend to push."
Tired of the same old political shenanigans, the townsfolk are backing their new man.
"He doesn't have the baggage. He doesn't owe anybody anything," said cafe owner Gary Armstrong. "It's sort of a fresh start for Muskogee."
Best known as the subject of country legend Merle Haggard's 1969 hit "Okie from Muskogee," the unassuming city of 38,000 is considered the archetype of virtuous, small town America, a "place where even squares can have a ball."
And now, so can gamers.
Källa: Yahoo!Condi försvarar Bush i Stockholm
Go Condi! :)
Här är tackar Rice Sverige för att ha tagit emot så många Irakflyktingar:
onsdag 28 maj 2008
Former press secretary's book bashes Bush
WASHINGTON - Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a new memoir that President Bush relied on an aggressive "political propaganda campaign" instead of the truth to sell the Iraq war, it has been reported.
The Bush White House made "a decision to turn away from candor and honesty when those qualities were most needed" — a time when the nation was on the brink of war, McClellan writes in the book entitled "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception."
The way Bush managed the Iraq issue "almost guaranteed that the use of force would become the only feasible option," the book contends, according to accounts Wednesday in The New York Times and Washington Post.
"In the permanent campaign era, it was all about manipulating sources of public opinion to the president's advantage," McClellan writes.
White House aides seemed stunned by the scathing tone of the book, and Bush press secretary Dana Perino issued a statement that was highly critical of their former colleague.
"Scott, we now know, is disgruntled about his experience at the White House," she said. "For those of us who fully supported him, before, during and after he was press secretary, we are puzzled. It is sad - this is not the Scott we knew."
Perino said the reports on the book had been described to Bush, and that she did not expect him to comment. "He has more pressing matters than to spend time commenting on books by former staffers," she said.
McClellan called the Iraq war a "serious strategic blunder," a surprisingly harsh assessment from the man who was at that time the loyal public voice of the White House.
"The Iraq war was not necessary," he concludes.
McClellan admits that some of his own words from the podium in the White House briefing room turned out to be "badly misguided." But he says he was sincere at the time.
"I fell far short of living up to the kind of public servant I wanted to be," McClellan writes. He also blames the media whose questions he fielded, calling them "complicit enablers" in the White House campaign to manipulate public opinion toward the need for war.
The book is scheduled to go on sale June 1. Quotes from the book were reported Tuesday night by the Web site Politico, which said it found McClellan's memoir on sale early at a bookstore.
McClellan draws a portrait of his former boss as smart, charming and politically skilled, but unwilling to admit mistakes and susceptible to his own spin. Bush "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment," McClellan writes.
He also faults Bush for a "lack of inquisitiveness."
Källa: Yahoo!
Condolezza Rice till Sverige imorgon
Här är EU:s ministerråds uttalande inför konferensen:
SVD: Jättepådrag inför Irakkonferensen
UD:s hemsida där konferensen kommer att streamas imorgon:
tisdag 27 maj 2008
måndag 26 maj 2008
Hillarys bästa eller Demokraternas bästa?
Det bästa för det Demokratiska partiet vore givetvis om hon drog sig ur primärvalet nu, och istället endorsade Obama. Det har hon inte gjort, och inget antyder att hon heller tänker göra den saken. Tvärtom, hon talar istället om att kämpa ända tills Demokraternas konvent i augusti - ett beslut som i princip hela den Demokratiska eliten (med undantag för hennes man) skulle motsätta sig. En sådan attityd visar dock på att Hillary i väldigt stor utsträckning vill bli president. Hennes bästa chans att bli det, nu när hon inte tycks kunna bli det denna gång, vore att motarbeta Obama. Om Obama förlorar i höst så kommer Demokraterna verkligen att fråga sig om det var rätt att knuffa den fd presidenthustrun och USA:s genom tiderna mest framgångsrika kvinnliga politiker åt sidan till förmån för denne oprövade Illinoispolitikern som rent politiskt faktiskt inte åstadkommit något alls ännu. Det skulle kunna öppna upp för en come-back för Hillary 2012 - och även om Obama skulle ställa upp också då- så skulle Hillary med helt ny kraft kunna argumentera varför hon är rätt kandidat.
Skulle Obama emellertid vinna presidentvalet i höst, så lär dock Hillarys chanser att någonsin få komma tillbaka till Vita Huset igen - och sanden i hennes politiska tidsglas, förmodligen rinna ut.
Bush i en kommentar om Saddam Hussein
söndag 25 maj 2008
Carter anser att Hillary bör dra sig ur
In an interview with Sky News, Carter said he did not think Clinton was achieving anything by staying in the fight.
"I think not. But of course she has the perfect right to do so," he said while attending a literary festival in Britain.
"I'm a superdelegate ... I think a lot of the superdelegates will make a decision quite, announced quite rapidly, after the final primary on June 3," he told Sky News.
"I have not yet announced publicly, but I think at that point it will be time for her to give it up," Carter said.
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is seen as front-runner. He holds a nearly insurmountable lead in delegates to the party's August nominating convention after months of contests that began in January.
Clinton has refused to quit until the last votes are cast and counted and the Democratic nominee is likely to be decided by the nearly 800 "superdelegates" -- members of Congress and other party insiders -- free to vote for whomever they want.
The Democratic candidates need 2,026 delegates to be nominated to run against Republican John McCain in the November 4 U.S. presidential election.
According to estimates by MSNBC, Obama now has 1,954 while Clinton has 1,783. There are 86 delegates left to be chosen in the state-by-state contests.
(Editing by Catherine Evans)
lördag 24 maj 2008
US ambassador: Al-Qaida close to defeat in Iraq
By LEE KEATH, Associated Press Writer 18 minutes ago
BAGHDAD - The U.S. ambassador to Iraq said Saturday that al-Qaida's network in the country has never been closer to defeat, and he praised Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for his moves to rein in Shiite and Sunni militant groups.
Ryan Crocker's comments came as Iraqi forces have been conducting crackdowns on al-Qaida militants in the northern city of Mosul and on Shiite militiamen in the southern city of Basra. Thousands of Iraqi forces also moved into the Shiite militia stronghold of Sadr City in Baghdad last week imposing control for the first time in years.But truces with the powerful Mahdi Army militia that have calmed violence in Basra and paved the way for the Sadr City deployment have been strained in the past two days.
Supporters of anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who heads the Mahdi Army, accused al-Maliki on Saturday of seeking to eliminate their movement and warned that "dark clouds" hang over the truce.
Al-Qaida fighters or other Sunni insurgents struck back in Mosul on Saturday. A roadside bomb in the city's Sumer neighborhood hit an Iraqi army patrol, destroying a vehicle and killing four soldiers, a police officer said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
Near Baqouba — where a U.S. offensive last year targeted al-Qaida in Iraq — gunmen assassinated a member of the local Awakening Council, a U.S.-backed group of Sunni tribesmen who are fighting al-Qaida. The attack occurred in the village of Had, north of Baghdad, police said.
U.S Ambassador Crocker spoke as he visited reconstruction projects in the southern city of Najaf.
"There is important progress for the Iraqi forces in confronting the Sunni and Shiite militias," he said, speaking Arabic to reporters. "The government, the prime minister are showing a clear determination to take on extremist armed elements that challenge the government's authority ... no matter who these elements are."
"You are not going to hear me say that al-Qaida is defeated, but they've never been closer to defeat than they are now," Crocker said.
The U.S. military says attacks have dropped dramatically — down to an average of 41 a day across the country, the lowest rate since 2004 — amid the crackdowns and truces. The U.S. military, backed by Sunni Arab tribal fighters, have scored successes in battling al-Qaida in Iraq and other Sunni insurgents in western parts of the country.
The Mosul sweep aims to dislodge the terror network from its most prominent remaining urban stronghold. The operation has met little opposition, suggesting that many al-Qaida militants fled, intending to regroup elsewhere as they have in past crackdowns.
In Baghdad, three men attending a conference at the offices of the National Dialogue Front, a leading Sunni Arab political party, were killed when a bomb exploded under their car as they left the gathering, police said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press.
Meanwhile, new tensions over the truces in Sadr City and Basra were sparked when Iraqi troops in Basra fired over the heads of al-Sadr followers congregating in a northern square for Friday prayers. Iraqi police recently banned al-Sadr gatherings there after a large cache of weapons was found nearby.
Iraqi troops were deployed and when those gathering refused to disperse, the police fired rounds over their heads, witnesses said.
Iraqi police in Basra said one person was wounded, but al-Sadr officials contended that one person was killed.
Also Friday, Iraqi and U.S. troops carried out a sweep in two Mahdi Army strongholds of western Baghdad, the Amil and Bayaa districts, arresting around 100 people, police officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press.
Iraqi forces in the operation cordoned off a cultural center in Amil where Sadrists were gathering to hold prayers and arrested some worshippers, the officials said.
Sadrist lawmakers denounced the moves saying there was a "nationwide conspiracy against Friday prayers" and a government move to "eliminate" their movement.
Sadrist lawmaker, Aqeel Abdul-Rahman, said the group was still committed to Sadr City truce. "But we see black clouds on the horizon, being brought by the government to rain on the sons of the Sadr Movement," he said.
The Sadrists' angry rhetoric may in part be aimed at warning al-Maliki not to take more aggressive steps against the Mahdi Army in Sadr City, such as confiscating heavy weapons or arresting key figures. The government has said it plans to do so, but has not begun any raids in the district, wary of sparking retaliation.
Källa: Yahoo!
Vad händer med det parti som förlorar?
Skulle McCain förlora presidentvalet i november, så kommer de konservativa att skylla förlusten på att McCain ignorerade kärnan i det Republikanska partiet - nämligen den konservativa rörelsen. Och i viss mån gjorde McCain förstås detta - han blev nominerad i princip helt utan stöd av de konservativa grupperna som ganska enat samlades under antingen Romney eller Huckabee.
Artikeln resonerar dock som så att en förlust för Obama dock skulle bli ännu värre för Demokraterna än en förlust för Republikanerna skulle bli. Demokraterna borde nämligen enligt alla sannolikhetsberäkningar vinna. En inpopulär president och ett inpopulärt krig i kombination med en svajande ekonomi borde nästan garantera Demokraterna en seger. Skulle Obama ändå mot all förmodan förlora mot McCain som kommer detta att leda till ett långt inbördeskrig inom det Demokratiska partiet. Clintons anhängare kommer genast att angripa Obama och påpeka att de kände till Obamas svagheter redan från början - att denne inte kunde dra till sig de vita arbetarrösterna, att denne försvagade det judiska väljarstödet (som traditionellt alltid stött Demokraterna tämligen enat- men nu börjar splittras i förhållande till Obama). Obamas anhängare kommer å sin sida att beskylla Clinton för att ha dragit ut på primärvalet i det oändliga, trots att hon sedan länge borde förstått att hon inte kunde vinna. Ett sådant bråk torde defintivt splittra Demokraterna i två tvistande läger och skapa sår som skulle kunna ta mycket längre tid att hela än en McCain-förlust skulle göra för GOP. Ett sådant scenario skulle också kunna bana väg för en "tredje väg" inom det Demokratiska partiet, företrätt av te x människor som Al Gore eller John Edwards - som (i synnerhet den förstnämnde) hittills hållit en ganska låg profil i valrörelsen. Och det skulle sedan kunna lägga grund för en Demokratisk come-back 2012.
Men dit är det förstås långt, långt kvar. Till att börja med får vi se vad som händer i höst. Här är i alla fall artikeln i dess helhet:
Republikanska analytiker anser att McCain är deras enda hopp
Among the 10 strategists interviewed by Politico for this story, there was near-uniform belief that had any other Republican been nominated, the party’s prospects in November would be nil.
“No disrespect to the other candidates,” said GOP pollster Glen Bolger, “but if anyone else had been nominated we’d be toast.”
De säger alltså ungefär samma sak som jag själv sagt sen hösten 2006 ;)
Här är artikeln: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0508/10585.html
Faith Based Initiatives
Hillary får problem med sitt uttalande om mordet på Robert Kennedy
“My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right?” she said. “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”
Ett uttalande hon senare fått problem med, och därför bett om ursäkt för. Men det verkar ha ställt till mer problem än hon tänkt sig:
Personligen förstår jag faktiskt inte exakt vad det är hon menar med sitt uttalande.
fredag 23 maj 2008
John McCain lessnar på pastorerna
Jag hörde nyheten på Yahoos tevestreamingar, men har ingen direktlänk just nu.
En sund poäng Demokraterna har om kriget
An internal audit of some $8 billion paid to U.S. and Iraqi contractors found that nearly every transaction failed to comply with federal laws or regulations aimed at preventing fraud, in some cases lacking even basic invoices explaining how the money was spent.
Of the money paid during a five-year period — from 2001 through 2006 — $7.8 billion in payments skirted billing rules with some violations egregious enough to invite potential fraud, warned the Defense Department's inspector general.
The findings provided fresh fodder for anti-war Democrats, who say the Bush administration has turned a blind eye to the problem of corruption and fraud by relying too heavily on contractors to manage the war.
"There is something very wrong when our wounded troops have to fill out forms in triplicate for meal money while billions of dollars in cash are handed out in Iraq with no accountability," said Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Results of the investigation were released at a committee hearing on Thursday, the same day the House approved legislation by Waxman intended to strengthen anti-fraud measures and increase transparency in contracting. Waxman's bill was passed as part of a major military policy bill, which authorizes $601.4 billion in defense spending.
In its report, the IG estimated the Army made more than 180,000 commercial payments from stations in Iraq, Kuwait and Egypt in the five-year period. The payments were made for various supplies and services, including bottled water, food and trucks.
In one example, $11 million was paid to a U.S. company without any record of what goods or services were provided, the IG wrote.
Overall, investigators estimated that the Army made some $1.4 billion in commercial payments that lacked even minimum supporting documentation, such as a certified voucher or invoice.
"Payments that are not properly supported do not provide the necessary assurance that funds were used as intended," the IG concluded.
Källa: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080523/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_iraq_contractors 2008-05-23
Jag kan inte alla detaljer, men Demokraterna har en viktig grundläggande poäng: USA lägger varje månad ut miljarder av dollar för att skapa en demokrati i ett land långt borta - pengar som, enligt den här artikeln, många gånger skickas ut nästan på måfå i förhoppning om att det ska hjälpa Irak. Pengar som skulle kunna spenderas mycket bättre på hemmaplan, genom att bygga upp det amerikanska samhället på olika sätt.
torsdag 22 maj 2008
McCains pastor Rod Parsley
Hillary Clinton - 2008 års Al Gore?
The whole world is in our national stategic interest
Ett klipp från primärvalet år 2000:
onsdag 21 maj 2008
En annan orsak till att jag stöder Republikanerna
En annan orsak - som måhända inte är lika synlig, men likväl en nästan lika viktig orsak - är att de grupper av människor som står för -i mitt perspektiv- kristna värderingar i större utsträckning tillhör Republikanerna än Demokraterna. Fler av de människor som jag anser står för goda politiska värderingar tillhör alltså Republikanerna snarare än Demokraterna. Och det är också en orsak till att jag stöder de förstnämnda.
På individnivå finns det otaliga Demokrater med säkerligen många icke-Republikanska värderingar som jag respekterar. Och jag själv är ingen förespråkare av vare sig Republikansk eller någon annan form av moralism - MEN, likväl kvarstår faktumet att det unika med USA till stor del bygger på grundläggande Republikanska värderingar, förvaltade av karaktärsstarka människor med stark tro på sådana värderingar - och för att dessa värderingar ska kunna bestå, så är det viktigt med ett lederskap och ett parti som också i grunden är formade av sådana värderingar - och det är Republikanerna i större utsträckning än Demokraterna. Republikanerna har starkare förankring bland grupper som står upp för kärnfamiljen, står upp för religionsfrihet et c - och det är frågor av största vikt, och bidrar därför också det till min pro-Republikanska hållning.
Obama leads McCain in November match: Reuters poll
Democrat Barack Obama has opened an 8-point national lead on Republican John McCain as the U.S. presidential rivals turn their focus to a general election race, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.
Obama, who was tied with McCain in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup last month, moved to a 48 percent to 40 percent lead over the Arizona senator in May as he took command of his grueling Democratic presidential duel with rival Hillary Clinton.
The Illinois senator has not yet secured the Democratic presidential nomination to run against McCain in November.
The poll also found Obama expanded his lead over Clinton in the Democratic race to 26 percentage points, doubling his advantage from mid-April as Democrats begin to coalesce around Obama and prepare for the general election battle with McCain.
"Obama has been very resilient, bouncing back from rough periods and doing very well with independent voters," pollster John Zogby said. "The race with McCain is going to be very competitive."
The poll was taken Thursday through Sunday during a period when Obama came under attack from President George W. Bush and McCain for his promise to talk to hostile foreign leaders without preconditions.
Obama's gains followed a month in which he was plagued with a series of campaign controversies and suffered two big losses to Clinton in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
The poll was conducted after Obama denounced his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who made a series of public appearances that rekindled a controversy over his inflammatory comments on race and religion.
Obama also survived a furor over his comments about "bitter" small-town residents who cling to guns and religion out of frustration over their economic concerns.
Obama edged closer to clinching the Democratic nomination on Tuesday when he split two nominating contests with Clinton, beating the New York senator in Oregon and losing in Kentucky to gain a majority of pledged delegates won in state-by-state nominating contests.
The results put him within easy range of the 2,026 delegates needed for the nomination. Just three Democratic nominating contests remain before voting concludes on June 3.
The poll found Obama was seen as a better steward of the economy than McCain, leading 48 percent to 39 percent. McCain led Obama by 3 points last month on an issue that is certain to be crucial in their campaign.
Obama led McCain among independents, 47 percent to 35 percent, and led among some groups of voters who have backed Clinton during their Democratic primary battle, including Catholics, Jews, union households and voters making less than $35,000 a year.
McCain led among whites, NASCAR fans, and elderly voters. McCain led with voters who believed the United States was on the right track, and Obama led with the much higher percentage of voters who believed it was on the wrong track.
"Clearly voters are looking for change. Every problem Obama has had in consolidating his base and reaching to the center, John McCain has the same sort of problem," Zogby said.
"It's McCain's lead among voters over the age of 65 that is keeping him within shouting distance of Obama," he said.
The poll found Clinton, who has shrugged off calls to quit the Democratic race, tied at 43 percent with McCain in the national poll. She led McCain by 47 percent to 40 percent on who would be the better manager of the economy.
Obama and Clinton have refrained from attacking each other in recent weeks as Obama has turned his focus to McCain.
But Zogby said the attacks on Obama by Bush and McCain, who have been critical of his willingness to talk to leaders of countries like Iran, did not appear to hurt Obama. If anything, he said, it reminded voters of McCain's ties to Bush, whose approval rating is still mired at record lows.
"The president is so unpopular. To inject himself into a presidential campaign does not help John McCain, particularly when McCain is tied to Bush," Zogby said.
The national survey of 516 likely Democratic primary voters had a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points. The poll of the national race between McCain and the two Democratic contenders surveyed 1,076 likely voters with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
(Editing by Doina Chiacu)
(For more about the U.S. political campaign, visit Reuters "Tales from the Trail: 2008" online at http://blogs.reuters.com/trail08/)
Källa Yahoo News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080521/pl_nm/usa_poll_politics_dc
Några tankar inför höstens val
Obama vann i Oregon
Obama drar 75,000 i Portland, Oregon
Hillary vinner Kentucky
tisdag 20 maj 2008
Sen. Edward Kennedy has cancerous brain tumor
Källa: Yahoo!
Oavsett vad man tycker om hans åsikter är det en tragedi.
Utsläppen av växthusgaser

Senast vi språkades vid diskuterade vi hur mycket växthusgaser USA och EU kunde tänkas släppa ut. Jag hittade detta diagram på BBC:s hemsida. Även om dessa siffror är sex år gamla - Kina och Indien släpper säkert ut mycket mer idag - så torde relationen mellan USA:s och EU:s utsläpp inte har förändras särskilt mycket.
Michelle Obama-kontroversen
måndag 19 maj 2008
John McCain at the Republican National Convention 2004
Del 1:
Del 2:
Del 3:
Så patetisk
När det gäller islam har amerikanarna ingen koll alls. Tänk om general Eisenhover (senare president Eisenhover) under kriget mot Hitler hade kysst Hitlers Mein Kampf och bett om ursäkt för att hans soldater sammankopplade nazisterna med nazismen. Uppenbarligen kan officieraren aldrig ha läst koranen.
söndag 18 maj 2008
Huckabee vill bli McCains vice-president
2 hours, 42 minutes ago
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Sunday he'd like to be John McCain's running mate.
"There's no one I would rather be on a ticket with than John McCain," said Huckabee, who was a stronger than expected challenger against McCain for the Republican presidential nomination. "All during the campaign when I was his rival, not a running mate, there was no one who was more complimentary of him publicly and privately. ... I still wanted to win, but if I couldn't, John McCain was always the guy I would have supported and have now supported.
"But whether or not I do the best for him, that's something that only he can decide," Huckabee said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
Huckabee, an ordained Baptist minister who had strong support from religious conservatives, won the leadoff Iowa caucuses and seven other states. He left the race in March after Arizona Sen. McCain clinched the nomination following a series of big victories.
Huckabee also apologized again for remarks he made Friday to the National Rifle Association. Responding to an offstage noise during a speech, Huckabee said it was Democrat Barack Obama diving to the floor after someone had aimed a gun at him. Huckabee issued an apology Friday evening.
"It was a dumb, off-the-cuff remark," he said. "I apologized for it immediately. Anybody that knows me knows that I would never, ever try to inject something like that to create any dangerous moment for any candidate."
Huckabee added: "It wasn't the first dumb thing I've ever said. And ... it won't be the last dumb thing I've ever said."
Yahoo News: 2008-05-18
Personligen är jag mycket skeptisk till en sådan kombination. Huckabee verkar vara en bra kille, men alltför oerfaren och alltför smal i de röster han kan dra. De evangelikala borde han kunna få att stödja McCain i vilket fall - då de knappast vill se Obama som president. McCain bör välja någon ung kandidat, som inte kan associeras alltför mycket med de "gamla" Republikanerna (Huckabee är visserligen ny i leken, men han kommer från den evangelikala grupp som tydligt identiferas med de gamla Republikanerna).
Hur McCain ska slå Obama
Vad Demokraterna gör bättre i utrikespolitiken
Med det inte sagt att Iran inte är galna, eftersom alla muslimländer är galna; men av två äckliga sjukdomar, så är pesten i saudi-arabien för västvärldens del betydligt farligare än koleran i Iran. Och därför bör inga vapen säljas till länder som saudi-arabien, för i längden kommer de vapnen tveklöst att riktas mot väst eller Israel i vilket fall. Om Bushadministrationen borde ha lärt sig något sedan invasionen av Afghanistan så är det att min fiendes fiende inte nödvändigtvis måste vara min vän. Somliga Demokrater tycks, i alla fall i teorin, förstå detta - och jag återupprepar Hillary Clintons utmärkta kommentar i en av primärvalsdebatterna när hon kommenterade Bushadministrationens politik på följande sätt:
"We borrow money from the chinese to buy oil from the saudis - that is not good foreign policy for America."
I det fallet kan jag bara instämma med Mrs Clinton.
lördag 17 maj 2008
Bush in 2000
Good old times. America wont be the same without him.
Huckabee skämtar om Obama
Huckabee skämtade om attentat mot Obama
Mike Huckabee, en av de republikanska presidentkandidater som förlorade kampen till John McCain, talade inför den amerikanska vapenlobbyn.
Plötsligt avbröts han av en högljudd smäll.
- Det var Barack Obama som flydde undan en revolver, skojade Huckabee enligt Reuters.
Redan i ståuppfilmen ”Delirious” från 1983 skojade Eddie Murphy om att en svart presidentkandidat skulle vara tvungen att springa fram och tillbaka under sina tal för att inte riskera att bli mördad av en krypskytt.
Nu har förre republikanske presidentkandidaten Mike Huckabee gjort detsamma – med skillnaden att han gjorde det under ett höll tal för den amerikanska vapenlobbyn National rifle association, NRA.
Det var när Huckabee avbröts av ett plötsligt oljud som han drog sitt opassande skämt:
- Det där var Barack Obama. Han har precis ramlat av en stol. Han förberedde sig för ett tal när en person riktade en revolver mot honom, och han dök direkt mot golvet.
Bad om ursäkt
Risken för att en svart presidentkandidat ska mördas anses vara större än för en vit. Exempelvis fick Baracka Obama skydd av Secret Service redan 18 månader före presidentvalet – tidigast än någon annan presidentkandidat genom tiderna.
Mike Huckabees skämt handlade snarare om att hetsa upp NRA mot att både Obama och Hillary Clinton anses vara fientliga mot organisationens agenda – amerikanens rätt att bära vapen.
Men Huckabee insåg själv klantigheten och gjorde senare ett uttalande, skriver Reuters:
- Det var inte meningen att kränka eller ringakta senatorn från Illinois. Jag ber om ursäkt för att min kommentar var stötande, det var aldrig min avsikt.
fredag 16 maj 2008
McCain blir arg
FN undersöker rasism i USA
Publicerad 16 maj 2008 19:31
FN undersöker rasism i USAEn speciell människorättsutredare kommer att besöka USA inom kort för att undersöka rasismen i det amerikanska samhället.
Utredaren ska träffa tjänstemän, politiker, och jurister "för att samla information om frågor relaterade till rasism, diskriminering, främlingsrädsla och annan intolerans", skriver FN i ett uttalande.
Rasfrågan har åter hamnat i centrum av den amerikanska debatten sedan allt nu talar för att Barack Obama blir demokraternas kandidat i årets presidentval.
FN har små möjligheter att påverka politiken i USA men har tidigare kritiserat landet för att diskriminera utifrån ras. Bland annat har organisationen uppmanat USA att inte döma unga människor till dödsstraff förrän all rasdiskriminering rensats ur rättssystemet.
Från TT-Reuters
Källa: DNEgna kommentarer: Fullständigt patetiskt. FN borde lägga resurser på att undersöka sin egen diskriminering, inkompetens och brist på demokrati och sedan komma till den rimliga slutsatsen att det är bäst att lägga ned skiten.
McCain endorsar Bush år 2000
McCain bör lära sig något av Clintons kampanj
Demokraternas superhjälte
Det bör nämligen kommas ihåg att Demokraterna efter Roosevelts död aldrig haft det speciellt lätt. De stora Demokratiska superpolitikerna i Kennedybröderna, blev båda mördade - och JFK:s efterträdare Lyndon B Johnson kan visserligen prisas som mannen som öppnade upp för svartas rättigheter et c, men han var också den som drev in USA i Vietnam. Jimmy Carters presidentskap måste betecknas som ett misslyckande, och det enda han lyckades med var att få till stånd Camp David-avtalet - ett avtal som dock helt var Anwar Sadats förtjänst, hur mycket Carter än vill förknippas med saken. Därför är Bill Clinton förmodligen den mest framgångsrike Demokratiska presidenten efter Franklin Delano Roosevelt - en president som förmodligen är omöjlig att slå då han av de flesta historiker rankas som USA:s tredje största president efter Lincoln och Washington). JFK och Robert Kennedy är givetvis Demokratiska legender, men deras liv avslutades tragiskt nog alltför tidigt innan deras politiska potential nådde full blommning.
Efter en lång svacka i det Demokratiska partiet, och efter Republikanernas framgångsvåg med Reagan och George HW Bush, förde Clinton det Demokratiska partiet in på arenan än en gång - och under den tiden var han tveklöst alla Demokraters (varav många nu är superdelegater) superhjälte. Clinton lyckades enligt denna artikel av Peter Beinart förmå Demokraterna att ta sig igenom frågor som för dem alltid varit svåra. Beinhart skriver i sin artikel:
When Michael Dukakis ran for President in 1988, crime was perhaps the biggest issue in the campaign. It splintered his coalition, pitting blacks who saw the death penalty as racially unfair against blue-collar whites who demanded a hard line against crime and too often associated that crime with blacks. Today, by contrast, roughly 1% of Americans say crime is their top issue, and no one even knows what Obama's position on the death penalty is. For Obama, that's an enormous boon, and Bill Clinton deserves a lot of the credit. His policies--especially his bold proposal for 100,000 new cops--helped bring down the crime rate. And by embracing the death penalty, he eliminated one of the GOP's best wedge issues. That embrace was ugly at times, as when Clinton flew back to Arkansas during the 1992 campaign to oversee the execution of a mentally retarded man. But it was politically shrewd. And because Clinton did it then, Obama doesn't have to now.
Clinton also removed the word welfare from America's political lexicon. In the mid-1980s, when pollsters conducted focus groups with Reagan Democrats, they found that when they talked about government help for the needy, voters saw it as welfare: taking money from whites to give to undeserving blacks. That attitude was hugely unfair, but it was a political reality. Clinton changed that when he reformed welfare in 1996. By making it brutally clear that people who didn't work wouldn't get much help from Washington, he made it harder for Republicans to tag Democratic antipoverty programs as handouts to "welfare queens."
On affirmative action, Clinton took the air out of a deeply polarizing issue by "triangulating" it-- tweaking preference policies rather than abolishing them or defending them outright. But perhaps Clinton's most important contribution to Obama had little to do with race. The Clinton presidency restored the Democratic Party's reputation for economic management, which Jimmy Carter had nearly destroyed. By almost 20 points, according to the Pew Research Center, Americans today trust Democrats over Republicans to guide the economy--a huge boon to Obama in what looks like a recession election. Obama owes much of that advantage to George W. Bush, of course. But he owes some of it to Clintonism too.
If Clinton had been more principled, if he had been less of a panderer, if he had tried to be purer than his political opponents--if, in other words, he had been more like Obama--he might have opposed the death penalty, vetoed welfare reform and unambiguously defended affirmative action. He might also have gone with his liberal base, not Wall Street, and chosen economic stimulus over deficit reduction in 1993. And had he done those things, Barack Obama would probably not be in a commanding position to become the next President of the U.S. So as they bid Clintonism goodbye, Obama fans should show a little gratitude. If Bill weren't the person they revile, Barack couldn't be the person they love.
I´m not your favorite guy
torsdag 15 maj 2008
"Popularity is fleeting, principles are forever"
Superdelgaterna kan kanske säga nej en gång, men inte två
Bob Beckel på RealClearPolitics förklarar i en artikel om saken hur många superdelegater gjorde sitt politiska livs svåraste beslut när de i telefon med Bill Clinton - som haft majoriteten av superdelegaterna under sig i en eller annan form under dennes administration - så försiktigt de kunde förklarade för denne att de skulle stödja Obama, och att de skulle göra vad som helst för Clinton utom just detta som han bad om - att stödja hans fru istället. När Bill Clinton fick höra svaret bruakde han svara med att säga att han var personligt sårad men att de måste göra vad de själva känner. Den upplevelsen tog emot för många superdelegater, som känt Obama högst några månader, medan de känt Clintons i nästan två årtionden, och som de också stod i politisk tacksamhetsskuld till.
Om Hillary därför skulle vilja bli vice-presidentkandidat så skulle superdelegaterna ha mycket att säga till om. Obama når nämligen inte upp till gränsen på egen hand, utan behöver superdelegaternas hjälp. Hillary kommer dessutom som en god tvåa - och ingen tvåa i det Demokratiska partiets historia har varit lika stark som hon. Om Bill Clinton därför skulle ringa superdelegaterna en andra gång, och be dem rösta på Hillary som vice-presidentkandidat, så skulle nästan helt säkert superdelegaterna få mycket svårt för att säga nej också en andra gång. Obama fick deras röst eftersom han hade folkets stöd, men att neka Clinton andraplatsen till förmån för någon av Obama handplockad snubbe som inte i något avseende skulle kunna mäta sig med Hillary - vare sig erfarenhetsmässigt eller i popularitet, skulle superdelegaterna helt enkelt inte acceptera. Det skulle kunna möjliggöra en dream-ticket med Obama-Hillary - men förmodligen till Obamas förtret. Frågan är också hur pass bra det egentligen skulle funka med två så starka individer - om det verkligen skulle gå bra för Hillary att underordna sig Obama som sin chef? Och om det inte skulle gå, hur pass bra kampanj skulle de då kunna bedriva tillsammans?
Konservativa ifrågasätter McCains globalwarming svärmeri
McCain would have done better to push back against the global warming cult and conduct a raid on the cultists similar to what Texas authorities did to the FLDS polygamists. Instead of buying into the claims of global warming alarmists who seek more control over our lives through big government intrusion, McCain should demand a debate on the issue. Global warming cult leaders won't debate. Al Gore has refused every debate challenge, asserting the facts are undeniable and that global warming is real. That's another mark of a cult leader; he will tolerate no doubters.
Ett utdrag från följande länk: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/05/mccain_joins_global_warming_cu.html
Stackars Hillary
"The reason I am here in Grand Rapids tonight is that Democratic voters in America have made their choice and so have I,
Trots att Edwards prisade Hillary Clinton för att ha drivit en tuff kampanj och för att vara en kvinna av stål som gjorde det Demokratiska partiet starkare, så rådde det dock inga tvivel om vem som vunnit hans gunst när han ropade:
"There is one man who knows in his heart that it is time to create one America, not two, and that man is Barack Obama,"
Det är nästan så att man kan tycka lite synd om Hillary. Kanske hade hon försiktigt ställt in sig på en vice-presidentpost, men John Nichols skriver i sin analys på Real Clear Politics:
No one missed the fact that Barack Obama and John Edwards looked right together. "They looked fantastic together," gushed Jill Zuckman, the Chicago Tribune's able political writer. "They looked like a ticket."
Even Obama seemed to notice.
"I haven't been seeing John as much," said the Illinois senator. "I forgot how good he is."
Hur konstigt det än må låta, så fick Hillary Clinton sin största sympati från oväntat håll - inte från någon Demokratisk vän, utan från självaste President Bush, som i en intervju med Yahoo fick frågan om han tyckte synd om Hillary Clinton, varpå han svarade:
"I feel like this primary has been a long, hard campaign. I remember what it was like in 2000, and I was exhausted. And my primary ended pretty quickly, compared to this one. And so I -- both those candidates have got to be just worn out. They haven't had time to get their feet on the ground or rest. So I know how they feel -- kind of."
Nu när Hillary tycks nobbas av det Demokratiska partiet, och när Edwards som likt en slug hök väntat i skuggorna utan att säga något alls tills han visste att han skulle kunna spela sina kort relativt säkert, skulle man kunna fråga sig om Hillarys politiska karriär är över? Kanske kan hon fråga Dick Cheney (som enligt hennes egen utsago är ett helt departement i Bushregeringen på egen hand) om han kan fixa ett nytt jobb åt henne.
Nåväl... Somliga röster höjs fortfarande för Clinton, men de flesta analytiker verkar ense om att inget hon numera gör kommer att rädda henne. Hillary wins - does anybody care? som en journalist uttryckte saken.
Joe Lieberman-citat
"I agree more often than not with Democrats on domestic policy. I agree more often than not with Republicans on foreign and defense policy."
En syn jag själv anser vara mycket vettig.
Hämtat från Wikipedia om Liberman:
Although Lieberman remained a member of Democratic Senate Majority, he endorsed Republican Senator John McCain for President in 2008. It marked the first endorsement in the 2008 presidential election from across traditional party lines. Lieberman cited his agreement with McCain's stance on the War on Terrorism as the primary reason for the endorsement.[108] The endorsement sparked Democratic criticism due to his statement in 2006 saying he would support a Democratic candidate in the Presidential race.[109] Under Democratic Party rules, his endorsement of McCain caused him to lose his status as a superdelegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention.[110]. Lieberman has since indicated that he is even willing to speak at the 2008 Republican National Convention on behalf of his friend. [111] Lieberman was alongside McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham during a visit to French president Nicolas Sarkozy March 21st 2008 [112]
Lieberman has been mentioned as a possible Vice Presidential nominee on a John McCain ticket.[113][114]
I viss mån skulle Lieberman kunna vara ett bra alternativ som vice-president för McCain. Säkert skulle Lieberman kunna locka mitten-demokrater till Republikanernas fålla. Däremot skulle ett sådant team förmodligen inte gå hem hos de konservativa Republikanerna, som anser McCain vara alltför liberal utan att dra med sig en Demokrat som VP. Förmodligen lär således Lieberman knappast blir McCains running-mate. Men möjligheten tål ändå att utforskas.
No One beats Bush
onsdag 14 maj 2008
John Edwards prisar HIllary
John Edwards endorsar Obama
Extra farligt skulle det kunna bli om Obama väljer (och Edwards låter sig väljas) till running-mate, dvs vice-presidentkandidat. Det skulle i så fall för Obamas del kunna vara precis det dragplåster han behöver för att kunna locka vita-arbetaramerikaner, som Hillary hittills nästan haft patent på. Edwards däremot, drar också sådana väljare - vilket skulle kunna göra stor nytta för Obama - och även utgöra ett stort hot mot McCain. Men detta är ännu bara spekulationer från min sida, vi får se vad som händer.
Yahoo News rapporterar:
Edwards gives long-awaited endorsement to Obama
By CHUCK BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer 12 minutes ago
Democrat John Edwards is endorsing former rival Barack Obama, fresh signs of the party establishment embracing the likely nominee even as Hillary Rodham Clinton refuses to give up her long-shot candidacy.
Edwards was to appear with Obama in Grand Rapids, Mich., as Obama campaigns in a critical general election battleground state.
The endorsement comes the day after Clinton defeated Obama by more than 2-to-1 in West Virginia. The loss highlighted Obama's work to win over the "Hillary Democrats" — white, working-class voters who also supported Edwards in large numbers before he exited the race.
Edwards, a former North Carolina senator and the 2004 vice presidential nominee, dropped out of the race in late January.
Both Obama and Clinton immediately asked Edwards for his endorsement, but he stayed mum for more than four months. A person close to Edwards, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he wanted to get involved now to begin unifying the party. Obama also signed on to Edwards' poverty initiative, which was a major cause for Edwards in his campaign and since he left.
When he made his decision, Edwards didn't even tell many of his former top advisers because he wanted to make sure that he personally talked to Clinton to give her the news, said the person close to him. Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, who has spoken favorably about Clinton's health care plan, did not travel with him to Michigan and is not part of the endorsement.