lördag 12 juni 2010

Hirsi Ali om behovet av att konvertera muslimer till kristendom

Ayaan Hirsi Ali som är en av västvärldens främsta islamkritiker förklarar i följande intervju varför muslimer i västvärlden måste ges ett religiöst (eller sekulärt alternativ). Till skillnad från de flesta sekulära anti-islamister så har Hirsi Ali förmågan att faktiskt göra skillnad mellan religioner - och förstå kristendomens avsevärda skillnad gentemot islam.

I intervjun förklarar Hirsi Ali att det behövs en tydligare debatt om islam i västvärlden:

We need to talk about Islam, about what’s in the Quran. The debate right now among Westerners is very defensive; all people want to prove is that they’re not Islamophobes.

Hon kommenterar också hur den liberala vänstern (eller den europeiska socialistiska vänstern) tänker, och säger:

The liberal psyche wants to protect minorities, to apologize for imperialism, colonialism, slavery, and the appalling treatment of black people during the civil rights movement. At the same time, they want to continue to defend the rights of individuals. They’ve convinced themselves that the best way to do that in general is to defend the cultures that are non-white. But what they forget, and what they’re being confronted with, is that non-white cultures contain misogynistic, collectivist, tribal, gay-unfriendly and female-hostile traditions. And so they’re confused: on the one hand, they’re looking at minorities as groups they need to save and speak up for, and on the other hand, they’re confronted with the ideas and practices of individuals within those minorities that are very undemocratic and appalling, really.

Hon fortsätter med att förklara att Obamas utsträckta hand mot muslimvärlden inte inneburit någon förändring från muslimvärldens håll:

Muslim populations and countries don’t like us any more than they did under Bush. In Obama’s administration so far, there have been more terrorist attempts than under eight years of the Bush administration, not including the 9/11 attack. The problem is clearly growing. The argument of, “Okay, they do this because they are poor”—that doesn’t apply anymore. In Western democracies, the young men wanting to kill themselves and kill others to get to the Muslim paradise are middle-class, well-educated and have the potential for a good future. The argument that Muslims are persecuted in North America is also not true. Muslims want to be in North America; they get jobs, they can have businesses and live wherever they want. If you just look at that argument empirically, you see that Muslims lead a life that is free and they can do whatever they want. As you go through these arguments, you see it’s not really about which administration is in the White House, it’s about convictions, not just the convictions of individuals but of states like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, which have, as their constitution, the Quran.

Hon kommenterar också det faktum att hon sagt att kristna kyrkor bör försöka konvertera muslimer och invandrare till kristendom, och motiverar varför:

Look at the amount of money Saudi Arabia spends on coming into Muslim communities in America and Europe, building schools and also taking leaders and training them in Mecca and Medina, then replanting them. It’s surprising that no other group of people is targeting the same communities. If you look at Western civilization, at the institutions [and movements] that were engaged in changing people’s hearts and minds—the Christian Church, humanists, feminists—they are doing next to nothing in these Muslim communities. When I was in Holland [recently], I heard about a Christian mission that had been proselytizing in Morocco. The government kicked them out and sent them back to Holland. I thought, “You don’t have to stop proselytizing—just go to the Muslim community in Amsterdam west and carry on there.” But of course there, they’re not only going to face the radical Muslims as opponents, they’re also going to face the multicultural opponents, saying they’re not supposed to be telling people to leave their religion.

Hur bör då detta göras? Hirsi Ali säger:

Next to every mosque, build a Christian centre, an enlightenment centre, a feminist centre. There are tons of websites, financed with Saudi money, promoting Wahabism. We need to set up our own websites—Christian, feminist, humanist—trying to target the same people, saying, we have an alternative moral framework to Islam. We have better ideas.

Hennes idé är knappast ny - däremot är det tämligen unikt att stöta på sekulära personer som av ideologiska orsaker förespråkar konvertering som ett gott alternativ mot den inhemska islamismen. Ett argument hon också framförde i en intervju på svenska Axess TV där bland annat Lars Vilks och Dick Erixon medverkade. Det finns dock många goda exempel på muslimer (och militanta sådana) som konverterat till kristendom och sedan ställt sig i frontlinjen i kampen mot den militanta islamism de en gång förespråkade. Länkarna nedan ger några exempel. Ayaan Hirsi Alis syn på saken är därför mycket vettig.

Källa: Macleans

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1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

From Sweden.
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If muslims kill Sweden artists, is it self defense to kill muslims?
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