Ett terroristattentat mot Marriott Hotel i Pakistans huvudstad Islamabad dödade minst 40 människor och skadade 150, och var det värsta terroristattentatet i Pakistans historia - och ägde rum bara några hundrtals meter från den nye premiärministerns hus (maken till den mördade Benazir Bhutto). Förmodligen ligger Al Qaida eller talibanerna bakom attentatet. New York Times skriver om saken i denna artikel.
McCain och Obama lät släppa varsitt pressmeddelande som kommenterar attentatet så här:
Senator Barack Obama emphasized the lingering threat from al Qaeda:
I strongly condemn the tragic terrorist attack in Pakistan, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.
Today’s attack demonstrates the grave and urgent threat that al Qaeda and its affiliates pose to the United States, to Pakistan, and to the security of all nations. As the attack earlier this week on our embassy in Yemen shows, over seven years after 9/11, the terrorist threat knows no borders, and the terrorists threaten innocent civilians of all religions and regions. Now is the time to refocus our efforts on defeating al Qaeda and securing the American people.
Today’s attack also reminds us once again that the Pakistani people have suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists, and are endangered by the violent extremists operating within their borders. We must forge a deep and lasting partnership with Pakistan, and with nations around the world, to root out and destroy al Qaeda and its affiliates. The United States must lead a truly global effort to prevail against al Qaeda and their hate-filled ideology.
Senator John McCain pointed to the continuing menace of “radical Islamic terrorism”:
Today’s attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad is an outrageous act of violence. Cindy and I express our deepest condolences for the loss of life, and our thoughts and prayers are with those hurt or killed in the attack.
Today’s bombing must serve to deepen the resolve of Americans and Pakistanis alike to aggressively confront those terrorist groups that seek our destruction. While no organization has yet taken responsibility for this act, it is well known that Pakistan faces an enduring threat from violent Islamic extremism. We must work with the elected government of Pakistan to find those responsible, hold them accountable, and diminish their ability to threaten us and our allies in the future. It also serves as one more demonstration of the need for the next President to work closely with our partners and allies in order to counter the dangers posed by radical Islamic extremism.
Källa är denna artikel.
Såvida ett nytt 9/11 inte inträffar så kommer dock knappast det här terroristattentatet att få större uppmärksamhet än den rådande wallstreetkrisen - dock kastar detta attentat (i kombination med attentatet mot den amerikanska ambassaden i Yemen tidigare i veckan) åter lite ljus på kampen mot den islamistiska terrorismen. Och det torde vara till McCains fördel.
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