“He clearly understood that he had been given the prize prematurely, but he used it as an occasion to remind people, first of all, as he said: that there is evil in the world,” sa Republikanernas tidigare ledare för Representanthuset, Newt Gingrich, som sedan fortsatte: “I think having a liberal president who goes to Oslo on behalf of a peace prize and reminds the committee that they would not be free, they wouldn't be able to have a peace prize, without having force. I thought in some ways it's a very historic speech.”
Den Republikanske strategen Bradley A. Blakeman som arbetade för George W. Bush i Vita Huset sa:
“The irony is that George W. Bush could have delivered the very same speech. It was a truly an American President's message to the world,”
Den neokonservative Robert Kagan, som förra året var rådgivare till McCain-kampanjen, sa:
“Wow. what a shift of emphasis. I don't know what to say about an ‘Obama doctrine,’ because based on this speech, I think we are witnessing a substantial shift, back in the direction of a more muscular moralism, ala, Truman, Reagan.”
Och Walter Russell Mead, som jobbat för Republikanernas kanske nu levande mest legendariske utrikesminister Henry A. Kissinger, sa:
“If Bush had said these things the world would be filled with violent denunciations. When Obama says them, people purr. That is fine by me.”
Källa: Politico
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