fredag 4 december 2009

Tea Party - The Movie

Te-party demonstranterna har gjort en film: Tea Party: the documentary film, som släpptes nu under Thanks giving. På filmens hemsida sägs följande:

"The Tea Party movement of 2009 shocked the political establishment, the nation at large and left a big media machine dizzy in its wake. How did it happen? Where did it come from? Now, experience the story of the movement that's driving our national dialogue against big government spending and a Constitution under assault. "Tea Party: The Documentary Film" follows the struggles of five grassroots individuals and their transformation from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists in the 912 March on Washington. In the process, the film reveals what is at the heart of this nationwide surge of civic engagement - a return to and respect for a Constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal restraint at the Federal level."

Här är trailern - säga vad man vill om deras sakfrågor, men de ter sig lite smått fanatiska - eller patriotiska, eller bara "amerikanska" beroende på hur man nu vill förhålla sig till saken :)

De har även en rolig rap-musik-video till te-party-rörelsens ära:

Vad säger man? Only in America :)

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Konservativa demonstrerar mot Pelosi-care 20091106

Jimmy Carter anser att te-party-protesterna är rasistiska 20090916

Te-partyt i Washington fortsätter 20090913

Anti-skatt-demonstration i Washington DC 20090912

Den andra te-party-vågen 20090707

Det amerikanska Te Party-fenomenet 20090418

Tea Party Day: Taxed Enough Already 20090416

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