Unlike Herman Cain’s infamous “9-9-9” plan, Perry’s approach manages to cut everyone’s taxes*. There are, however, two catches. The first is that lower-income workers would get a very small cut, while millionaires and billionaires would be showered with another round of overly-generous breaks. It’s the Bush/Cheney strategy on steroids" skriver författaren Steve Benen.
Han citerar också en artikel i New York Times där Catherine Rampell drar samma slutsatser:
Gov. Rick Perry’s proposal for an opt-in flat tax would primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans, according to a new analysis from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research organization. Compared with current tax policy, the plan would most likely reduce federal tax revenue by $570 billion, or about 15 percent.
Och vidare:
he greatest beneficiaries of the flat-tax option — that is, the households that would be most likely to switch to this system — are far and away the highest earners
För dem mer intresserade av saken rekommenderas John Gustavssons utmärkta och ännu mer ingående analys av Perrys skatteplan.
Källor: Washington Monthly, New York Times
Se även tidigare inlägg:
Perry's Pathetic Plan: 6 flaws with the optional flat tax 20111030
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