onsdag 5 januari 2011

Mordet på pakistansk guvernör prisas av muslimska lärda

Salman Taseer - guvernör för den pakistanska Punjab-provinsen, mördades igår av en av sina egna vakter. Orsaken till mordet var att Salman Taseer var en tolerant person i en intolerant nation. Taseer förespråkade nämligen ett avskaffande av de pakistanska hädelselagar som förbjuder hädelse av Islam och profeten Mohammed och där hädelse kan leda till dödsstraff - varför vakten mördade honom.

MSNBC har här ett nyhetsinslag om mordet:

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Mer än 500 muslimska lärda från Jamat Ahle Sunnat, en tämligen moderat samling muslimer i Pakistan, prisar mordet. MSNBC skriver:

More than 500 Muslim scholars are praising the man suspected of killing a Pakistani governor because the politician opposed blasphemy laws that mandate death for those convicted of insulting Islam.

The group of scholars and clerics known as Jamat Ahle Sunnat is affiliated with a moderate school of Islam and represents the mainstream Barelvi sect.

The group said in a statement Wednesday that no one should pray for Punjab province Gov. Salman Taseer or express regret for his murder. One of his security guards is the suspected killer.

The statement also made a veiled threat against Taseer's supporters: "The supporter is as equally guilty as one who committed blasphemy."

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Taseer was a close ally of U.S.-backed President Asif Ali Zardari and the highest-profile political figure to be assassinated since former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was slain three years ago.

His death was a reminder of the growing danger to those in Pakistan who dare to challenge Islamist extremists.

Khusro Pervez, the commissioner of Lahore, said city authorities had deployed additional police to keep the peace before and after Taseer's funeral. Thousands of police guarded the governor's residence and other key sites.

"Police are on maximum alert. Police are guarding all important installations in the city," Pervez said.

The governor's residence has been the scene of angry street protests in recent weeks against Taseer's call to repeal blasphemy laws that order death for anyone convicted of insulting Islam and his support for a Christian woman sentenced to die for allegedly insulting Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Källa: MSNBC

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Pakistan 3 år efter Benazir Bhuttos död 20101230

En kristen kvinnas öde i Pakistan 20101205

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