fredag 23 april 2010

Chuck Schumer kritiserar Obamas Israel-policy

New Yorks demokratiske senator Chuck Schumer kritiserar nu offentligt Obama-administrationen för dess kritiska kritiska inställning till Israel efter att vice-president Joe Biden besökt landet och Israel samtidigt pålyst nya bosättningar i Östra Jerusalem.

"Israel apologized and when Biden left, and Biden is the best friend of Israel in the administration [and] everything was fine," sa Schumer i en intervju med den judiskt konservativa Nachum Segal Show today. "But then what happened is the next day Hillary Clinton called up Netanyahu and talked very tough to him, and worse they made it public through this spokesperson, a guy named Crowley. And Crowley said something I have never heard before, which is, the relationship of Israel and the United States depends on the pace of the negotiations."

Han fortsatte:

"That is terrible. That is the dagger because the relationship is much deeper than the disagreements on negotiations, and most Americans—Democrat, Republican, Jew, non-Jew--would feel that. So I called up Rahm Emanuel and I called up the White House and I said, 'If you don’t retract that statement you are going to hear me publicly blast you on this,'"

Vita Huset har sedan dess försökt tona ner kritiken mot Israel, men det har likväl fått många judiska amerikaner oroade. Här kan intervjun i dess helhet avlyssnas.

Källor: Politico, Nachum Segal News

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Hypotetiskt krigsscenario mellan Israel och Iran 20100407

Ed Koch kritiserar Obamas inställning till Israel 20100402

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