måndag 22 november 2010

Entusiastiska Bush-fans trotsar kylan

Tidigare president George W. Bush stannade länge i en affär i Utah, där över tusen entusiastiska fans väntat i kylan på att få skaka hand med sin tidigare president och få George W. Bush namn signerat i sina exemplar av hans bok "Decision Points". Många campade över natten på parkeringsplatsen för att få ett möte på 10-15 sekunder med den tidigare presidenten.

"It was worth the wait," said a beaming Ruth Ellis of Sandy. "He said, ‘How are you, darlin’?’ I said, ‘Great.’ He couldn’t have been nicer."

En annan av besökarna var Leslie Clark, som var där för sin sons skull som var marinsoldat och snart skulle åka till Afghanistan.

"He was so sweet," she said of Bush. "[My son] said tell [the president] I’m proud of him. I told him my son has never lost confidence in him as commander-in-chief."

Fox News har här ett inslag om besöket:

En person var dock där för att protestera. Salt Lake Tribune skriver:

Ray Matthews waited in line for seven hours to deliver a very different message to the former president.

When Matthews reached the front of the line, he asked Bush: "Would you sign it, ‘I lied’?"

Matthews said he wanted Bush to own up to claims about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and other misdeeds leading up to the Iraq War. Matthews said Bush gave him a stern grimace and put his head down, signed the book and slid it to the right. Matthews asked him again, "Does your book say why you lied to the American people?" and Bush didn’t look up, and the Secret Service ushered him out.

"I thought it was important that George Bush heard at least from one person in the state of Utah that challenged him on that particular issue," Matthews said. "I felt it was my moral responsibility to challenge him on behalf of so many who died and suffered."

Källa: Salt Lake Tribune

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