lördag 27 november 2010

Ground Zero-moskén behöver federalt bidrag

Ground Zero-moské-projektet saknar pengar, och har nu ansökt om federala sådana och bett om 5 miljoner dollar. Något religiösa organisationer har rätt till. John Avlon ifrågasätter dock här på Daily Beast visheten i att göra detta, i synnerhet när personerna bakom projektet inte fört någon öppen debatt om saken lokalt. Avlon skriver:

Developers of the controversial Park51 Islamic community center and mosque located two blocks from ground zero earlier this month applied for roughly $5 million in federal grant money set aside for the redevelopment of lower Manhattan after the attacks of September 11, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

...Park51’s developers clearly have a legal right to apply for the grant. ...But the question on whether they could have is trumped by the question of whether they should have. The stated aim of the Park51 developers is to provide a community center for lower Manhattan’s 4,000 Muslim residents. Their own website explained that they understood the need to “appeal to the undecided, and change the conversation about Muslims in America.” It’s pretty clear that this play for federal dollars will generate none of that, starting with the lack of disclosure or community consultation before developers submitted their application, which was due November 5.

Han citerar sedan Irshad Manji, författare till "The trouble with islam" som säger:

"If Imam Feisal and his retinue want know why they're not trusted, here's yet another reason. The New Yorkers I speak with have questions about Park51. Requesting money from public coffers without engaging the public shows a staggering lack of empathy—especially from a man who says he's all about dialogue."

Avlon avslutar lite senare:

In the end, Park51’s application is likely to be unsuccessful financially while mobilizing a new round of opposition. It’s a lose-lose proposition put forward by a tone-deaf organization that seems determined to alienate allies and embolden opponents.

En analys som förmodligen stämmer - här har Fox News ett inslag om ansökan om federala pengar:

Källa: The Daily Beast

Se även tidigare inlägg:

DN om sanningen om moskén vid Ground Zero 20101025

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