onsdag 24 november 2010

Islamiska hatskolor i Storbritannien

New York Times har här en artikel som uppmärksammar hur ett brittiskt nätverk bestående av mer än 40 deltidsislamiska skolor med 5 000 elever har skolmaterial som innehåller tydliga homofobiska och antisemitiska uttalanden - något som uppmärksammas i en ny dokumentärfilm av BBC.

New York Times skriver bl a:

The 30-minute “Panorama” program quoted the Saudi government-supplied textbook as saying that Jews “looked like monkeys and pigs,” and that Zionists set out to achieve “world domination.”


One of the textbooks, according to the BBC program, prescribed execution as the penalty for gay sex, and outlined differing viewpoints as to whether death should be by stoning, immolation by fire or throwing offenders off a cliff. Another set out the punishments prescribed by Shariah law for theft, including amputation of hands and feet. A BBC video accompanying an article on the program’s Web site showed a textbook illustration of a hand and a foot marked to show where amputations should be made.

Här är BBC-dokumentären om de islamiska skolorna i Storbritannien:

Del 1:

Del 2:

Storbritannien har nu en konservativ regering, en regering som har en annan inställning till religiösa skolor än den tidigare regeringen - som menade att alla religiösa skolor var likadana. I en opinoinsartikel i The Telegraph skriver Ruth Dudley Edwards följande:

Thank God, or, if you prefer, Allah, that in Michael Gove, we have a Secretary of State for Education who will not continue his predecessor Ed Balls’s policy of pretending that faith schools are all the same. They are not. Some of them turn out well-educated, well-rounded young people who will strengthen our society; others strive to keep the minds of their charges closed by isolating them from people or ideas that might challenge them.

Som exempel på bra religiösa skolor nämner hon de katolska och anglikanska:

Non-believers queue to get their children into high-performing Anglican or Roman Catholic schools because they have no fear they will be indoctrinated.

Hon noterar också att det vore sunt om regeringen spenderade mindre tid - en snedvriden rättvisesyn - med att försöka sekularisera kristna skolor snarare än att fokusera på de skolor där allvarliga samhällshot faktiskt existerar:

In a sensible world, rather than concentrating on bullying mainstream Christian schools to preach secular values, the Department for Education would be keeping a beady eye on schools that encourage intolerance and worse. With the UK under constant threat from Islamist violence, one might think extra effort would have been put into scrutinising schools suspected of producing extremists.

Detta hoppas hon nu att Storbritanniens nye utbildningsminister kommer att göra:

Last night, Panorama’s John Ware revealed that 5,000 children in more than 40 Saudi Students’ Schools and Clubs in the UK were being taught anti-Semitism, homophobia and other tenets of sharia. Michael Gove promises that his department will extend its remit to ensure it can stamp out such teachings in part-time schools.

Förhoppningsvis slår Storbritanniens konservativa regering ner på dessa skolor och inför en sund distinktion mellan olika religiösa friskolor.

Källor: New York Times, The Telegraph

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Svensk Al Shabab-medlem hotar Lars Vilks 20101124

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