torsdag 11 november 2010

Bush talar i Chicago om 9/11 2001

George W. Bush reser för närvarande runt på sin bokturné och föreläser och låter sig intervjuas. Idag var han i Chicago där han talade inför the Union League Club - och hade sällskap av borgmästare Richard M. Daley.

Bush varnade för att terrorattacken vid 9/11 skulle kunna glömmas bort i takt med tidens gång:

"One of the things that's going to happen on September the 11th, it becomes like Pearl Harbor day. It will be a distant memory,"

"A lot of people born in this country, that live in this country now, weren't born on September the 11th,"

Han fortsatte med att förklara att även Sears Tower (som numera heter Willis Tower) i Chicago hade hotats av terroristerna - något en rapport från 2003 visade:

"For many in this room, it was a scar of the heart. And people forget that the, you know, that the Sears Tower was a target, a genuine target."

Han prisade dock borgmästare Daleys agerande:

"The mayor responded, and his people responded, brilliantly to the threat," Bush said. "So this is one of the really interesting examples of federal, state and local cooperation."

Bush talade också om sin bok, och sammanfattade vad han ansåg varit viktigast med sitt presidentskap:

"History can debate the decisions I made, the policies I chose, and the tools I left behind," he writes. "But there can be no debate about one fact: After the nightmare of September 11, America went seven and a half years without another successful terrorist attack on our soil. If I had to summarize my most meaningful accomplishment as president in one sentence, that would be it."

Källor: Chicago Breaking News, Chicago Sun-Times

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Bushs uppföljningsintervju med Matt Lauer 20101111

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