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"Men det är inte bara Frankrike som kritiseras för sina vänskapliga relationer med Ben Alis Tunisien utan även USA."
"After september 11th, the Bush administration, according to what I have heard, began telling Ben Ali to do what he had to do."
"Which was?"
"Well to repress and if necessary to torture."
"Men efter 11 septmeber-attacken 2001 fick Ben Ali klartecken av Bushregeringen att slå ner fundamentalism och terrorism, och om nödvändigt använda tortyr, säger Cole."
Terrorattacken i New York blev startskottet för en ny intensifierad politik i nordafrika och mellanöstern, och Bushregeringen la stor vikt vid demokratisering i den nya utrikespolitiken, men det gällde bara vissa länder, säger Cole:
"So they werent interested in democratizing Pakistan, or democratizing Tunisia, because those were already allies of the Bushadministration. They were interested in coercivly democraticing Iraq which had been under Saddam hussein - an enemy of the united states. So they used democratisation really as kind of punishment toward their enemies rather than as entizment to their friends", säger Cole.
"De var inte intresserade av att demokratisera Pakistan eller Tunisien - för de var redan allierade. Men Saddams Irak skulle demokratiseras med våld, så de använde demokratisering mer som ett straff för sina fiender än som en belöning för sina vänner, säger Cole."
Cole was a strong critic of the George W. Bush administration and is one of the most respected foreign policy commentators amongst left-wing bloggers
"President Obama did bring up the issue of human rights very forth rightly and from a podium right next to that of the president of China, so if Obama can do that with China, that shows he can do that with Saudiarabia."
"Well this is the choice that a lot of the arab regimes and dictators have wanted the west to believe - that it is either, you know, Hosni Mubarak or the islamic fanatics, and that is the situation that they promoted and many people have bought it for different reasons."
Många arabiska ledare vill få väst att tro att valet står mellan en sekulär envåldshärskare som Hosni Mubarak i Egypten eller islamistiska fanatiker, säger han. Men det där är en falsk motsättning som gör att demokratin har fått stå tillbaka till förmån för stabilitet. En kortsiktig syn, säger Khoumi, för verklig stabilitet kräver demokrati:
"Well, I think the lesson around the world is real stability comes from real democracy. I mean, you can have stable non-democratic countries, but if stability is assured by authoritarian police-states, the stability doesnt last very long", säger Khouri.
"Om stabiliteten upprätthålls av en auktoritär polisstat så varar den inte längden. Demokratin kan se ut på många olika sätt - den kan ha islamsk klanbaserad eller nationalistisk nyans, säger han. Men egentligen är allt ganska enkelt, och receptet universellt: grundläggande fri- och rättigheter måste respekteras för alla grupper i samhället. Men, tillägger han sen, även om den tunisiska revolten är historisk, ska man komma ihåg att arabiska ledare är väldigt bra på att hålla sig kvar vid makten."
I ett tal från mars 2006 förklarade Bush detta synsätt:
A free Iraq is important for the United States of America. It was important to remove a threat; it was important to deal with threats before they fully materialized; but a free Iraq also does some other things. One, it serves as an amazing example -- it will serve as an amazing example for people who are desperate for freedom.
You know, this is, I guess, quite a controversial subject, I readily concede, as to whether or not the United States ought to try to promote freedom in the broader Middle East. Our foreign policy before was just kind of, if the waters look calm, great. Problem is, beneath the surface was resentment brewing, and people were able to take advantage of that, these totalitarians, like al Qaeda. So I changed our foreign policy. I said, freedom is universal; history has proven democracies do not fight each other, democracies can yield peace we want, so let's advance freedom. And that's what's happening.
It's a big idea, but it's an old idea. It's worked in the past. I strongly believe that by promoting liberty we're not only protecting ourselves, but we're laying the foundation of peace for a generation to come.
I ett annat tal från oktober 2006 ger president Bush ett tydligt exempel på detta:
One of my favorite stories to share is the story that happened here a couple of weeks ago… when I went to Elvis's place in Memphis with then-sitting Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan. The reason I like to share that story is because it's got a good lesson for our citizens, particularly younger citizens who may not have really studied that period of history too much, the history of Japan-U.S. relations.
People say, why did you go down there? Well, I'd never been. And the Prime Minister, he wanted to go. He was an Elvis fan. But here's the story I want to tell. My dad fought the Japanese. He was an 18-year-old kid who volunteered, just like a lot of our troops are doing today…
That's what happened, too, after the Japanese attacked us… a lot of the young folks signed up. One of them was George H. W. Bush. And he and a lot of other brave Americans fought tooth and nail to defeat the Japanese. They were the sworn enemy of the United States. And it was a bloody conflict, a tough fight. And yet, some 60 years later, the Navy pilot's son is on Air Force One flying down to Elvis's place, talking about the peace.
You see, on the flight down, the Prime Minister of Japan, our former enemy, and I talked about what we could do to work together to make the world a more peaceful place ... Isn't it interesting that the son of a man who fought the Japanese is able to talk the peace with the Prime Minister of a former enemy. What happened was, Japan adopted a Japanese-style democracy. The power of that lesson is this: Liberty has got the capacity to transform an enemy into an ally -- just like liberty has got the capacity to transform a region of hate into a region of hope. Some day, an American President will be talking with elected leaders from the Middle East about the peace, and a generation of Americans, a generation to come, will be better off for it.
"For most of the Cold War, America`s priority in the Middle East was stability. Our alliances were based on anticommunism, a strategy that made sense at the time. But under the surface, resentment and anger built. Many people turned to radical clerics and mosques as a release. Amid these conditions, terrorists found fertile recruting ground. Then ninteen terrorists born in the Middle East turned up on planes in the United States. After 9/11, I decided that the stability we had been promoting was a mirage. The focus of the freedom agenda would be the Middle East."
Here in Cairo, President Mubarak’s decision to amend his country’s constitution and hold multiparty elections is encouraging.
President Mubarak has unlocked the door for change. But now, the Egyptian government must put its faith in its own people.
We are all concerned for the future of Egypt’s reforms when peaceful supporters of democracy -- men and women -- are not free from violence. The day must come when the rule of law replaces emergency decrees -- and when the independent judiciary replaces arbitrary justice.
The Egyptian government must fulfill the promise it has made to its people -- and to the entire world -- by giving its citizens the freedom to choose.
Egypt’s elections, including the Parliamentary elections, must meet objective standards that define every free election.
Opposition groups must be free to assemble, and participate, and speak to the media.
Voting should occur without violence or intimidation.
And international election monitors and observers must have unrestricted access to do their jobs.
Those who would participate in elections, both supporters and opponents of the government, also have responsibilities.
They must accept the rule of law, reject violence, respect the standards of free elections, and peacefully accept the results.
Throughout the Middle East, the fear of free choices can no longer justify the denial of liberty. It is time to abandon the excuses that are made to avoid the hard work of democracy.
There are those who say that democracy is being imposed. In fact, the opposite is true: Democracy is never imposed. It is tyranny that is imposed.
People choose democracy freely. And successful reform is always homegrown.
En revolution äger just nu rum i Tunisien. Det är för tidigt att säga om den ska lyckas, och alldeles för tidigt att säga vad den i så fall kan leda till. Men en sak vet vi säkert: när folket strömmar ut på gatorna är det inte bara i Tunis, utan i hela Mellanöstern som diktatorer darrar och demokrater ser ett hopp tändas...
...Det amerikanska inflytandet har, på det hela taget, varit till gagn för regionen — åtminstone givet de sannolika alternativen. Men USA har misskött sin maktställning. Ingen amerikansk president har, trots all högtravande retorik, ägnat något seriöst intresse åt regionens hårt förföljda demokrater, eller pressat sina diktatoriska allierade att dela med sig av makten.
”Stabilitet” har varit nyckelordet i alla USA:s (och Europas) relationer med Mellanöstern, och man har föredragit diktatorer som lovat stadig oljeförsörjning och samarbete mot terrorismen framför riskabla demokratidrömmar.
Är det någon som ifrågasatt och utmanat strategin "stabilitet-lika-med-stöd-till-diktaturregimer" så är det president George W Bush. Det är Europa med Gerhard Schröder, Jacques Chirac i spetsen, samt Rysslands Vladimir Putin som motsatt sig strategier för att välta diktaturer och inleda demokratisering i Mellanöstern.
Också svenska politiker och medier har med stor energi motsatt sig demokratisering i Mellanöstern genom att motsätta sig den neokonservativa strategin som Bushadministrationen påbörjade.
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"I'm scared of the return of the Islamists," said Sonia, a 35-year-old government official who declined to give her last name, as the long-banned Islamist movement Ennahdha (Awakening) prepares to re-enter the political scene.
"They'll impose a new culture that is totally alien to us, like the fundamentalist dress code," she said, referring to the Muslim headscarf worn by some women in the north African state.
"I saw a lot of bearded men today. I was really afraid. I don't think the laws on women's rights will change, but the Islamists are going to be even more forceful than before," säger en 29-årig journalist i landet.
"Women should wear veils to prevent sexual harassment. That is what one hears now on Tunisia's streets," an article in La Presse newspaper said.
It spoke of "a new era in which questions that we thought were dead and gone are resurfacing and threatening the rights we thought were irreversible".
"Women's rights are over after the revolution!"
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"Today's sentencing of Ahmed Ghailani shows yet again the strength of the American justice system in holding terrorists accountable for their actions," sa Eric Holder i ett skrivet meddelande.
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Amerikanska tv-kanalen Fox News har ertappats med att klippa om ett av Barack Obamas tal. När talet presenterades för kanalens tittare hade applåder och skratt klippts bort för att skapa illusionen av att Obamas poänger inte uppskattades av publiken.
När den högerorienterade tv-kanalen Fox News rapporterade om president Barack Obamas tal till kongressen klipptes inslaget för att få det att se ut som om hans skämt föll platt till marken.
I stället för applåder och skratt följde bara tystnad och ljudet av en ensam syrsa, för att illustrera den pinsamma tystnaden. Men flera sajter har jämfört de båda versionerna och båda finns nu tillgängliga på nätet.
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Och här är Foxs version
Talkshowerna i Fox News har etablerat sig som hårda kritiker av Obama och andra politiker i det demokratiska partiet. Även om kanalen hävdar sin opartiskhet har avhoppare berättat om en uttalad högeragenda.
– Men det förnekar de jämt. De bara rånekar till att det finns någon högeragenda. Deras taktik är klassisk propaganda, att blåneka och hålla fast vid sin linje, säger medieforskaren Kristina Riegert.
Hon berättar att nyheterna blivit mer politiserade den senaste tiden och att Obama är särskilt utsatt. Utvecklingen inleddes redan på 80-talet när reglerna för opartiskhet i etermedier ändrades.
– Man kan säga att etermedierna i USA har fått en mer partipolitisk roll, ungefär som pressen hade på 1800-talet. Fox News kom först med en högerorientering. Sen kom MSNBC med en vänsterorienterad inriktning.
Förr fanns en regel om att varje påstående måste bemötas av den drabbade. Den togs dock bort med motiveringen att det fanns så många kanaler att tillgå.
– Man tog bort opartiskhetsreglerna för etermedier under Reagan. Då tog man bort kravet på att man ska ha rätten att svara, att ett påstående från högerkanten har rätt att bemötas från vänsterkanten.