onsdag 11 mars 2009

USA kritiserar FN:s generalförsamlingspresident

Obama-administrationen kritiserade presidenten för FN:s generalförsamling (en post som väljs varje år), Miguel d'Escoto (vänsteraktivist och Nicaraguas fd utrikesminister) - efter att denne i ett möte med Mahmoud Ahmadinejad i Iran försvarat Irans kärnkraftsprogram och sagt att USA inte samarbetade med andra länder inom FN:

"the major problem of the United Nations is the lack of cooperation on the side of the U.S. with the world body," sa d'Escoto.

d'Escoto har också krävt en bojkott av Israel pg a deras krig i Gaza.

Alejandro Wolff - USA:s näst högsta FN-diplomat - säger att D'Escoto "has repeatedly abused his position to pursue his personal agenda, and in doing so he diminishes the office and harms the General Assembly. He is doing the United Nations a disservice by dividing the membership at a time when he should be a unifying force."

Washington Post skriver:

"The Obama administration scolded the president of the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, saying that his frequent public attacks against the United States and Israel are undercutting the standing of the world's most representative body."

Washington Post skriver vidare:

"In an interview last month, d'Escoto said that he admired Obama and that he was prepared to work cooperatively with the new administration. But the relationship has quickly soured. On Monday, d'Escoto told a gathering of Iranian foreign policy experts that "the major problem of the United Nations is the lack of cooperation on the side of the U.S. with the world body," according to Iran's Fars News Agency."

Konflikten kommer i samband med att FN:s generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon i tisdags träffat Obama i Vita Huset, med en av sina högsta prioriteringar att förbättra relationerna mellan FN och Washington.

Källa: Washington Post

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