Författaren skriver:
"...maybe a friend could have whispered to Senator Obama to tone it down when he was merciless in damning the Bush administration for its supposedly slow response to Hurricane Katrina.
Obama railed that Bush showed "unconscionable ineptitude." Obama further charged that Bush's response was "achingly slow," a result of "passive indifference," and that his team was rife with "corruption and cronyism."
Hanson fortsätter förstås med att förklara att Obama inte längre har någon rätt att peka finger gällande katastrofresponser. Han fortsätter sedan med att kommentera de andra punkter där Obama en gång så drastiskt kritiserade sin företrädare:
Obama easily damned everything from Guantanamo Bay to Predator drone attacks in Afghanistan to the war in Iraq, only to adopt those policies and more from Bush.
He sermonized about the morals of a corrupt Republican Congress, only to keep quiet about earmarks, lobbyists and the sins of Democratic cronies such as Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Charles Rangel.
Deficits were once supposed proof of Bush's out-of-control spending. What does far greater red ink say about Obama?
If only swaggering George W. Bush could have been smart enough to reach out to Cuba, Iran and Syria. Then Obama did just that, only to make bad things even worse.
Författaren konstaterar sedan:
The reality of Barack Obama is that he was an inexperienced community organizer with an undistinguished record as a Senate newcomer.
Det är svårt att inte instämma. För egen del så anser jag (som bekant) att Obamas kritik mot sin företrädare tillhör en av de mer omogna sidorna av hans presidentskap. Artikeln rekommenderas för övrigt att läsas i dess helhet.
Källa: Real Clear Politics
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Jeb Bush försvarar sin bror mot Obamas kritik 20100623
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