tisdag 3 februari 2009

Tom Daschle och Nancy Killefer drar sig ur nomineringsprocessen

Tom Daschle - som av President Obama nominerats till att bli regeringens minister för departementet för Health and Human Services drog idag tillbaka sin nominering efter att ha fastnat i en skatteskandal. Trots såväl President Obamas - som Demokratiska senatkollegors fortsatta förtroende drog sig Daschle, som tidigare varit senatens majoritetsledare, alltså ut - och gav följande kommentar:

"I have just informed the President that I am withdrawing my name from consideration for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

To be chosen by President Obama to run the Department of Health and Human Services and to lead the reform of America's health care system is one of the signal honors of an improbable career.

But if 30 years of exposure to the challenges inherent in our system has taught me anything, it has taught me that this work will require a leader who can operate with the full faith of Congress and the American people, and without distraction.

Right now, I am not that leader, and will not be a distraction. The focus of Congress should be on the urgent business of moving the President's economic agenda forward, including affordable health care for every American.

We need the best care in America to be available to all Americans. We need this effort to succeed. Lives and livelihoods are at stake.

I will not be the architect of America's health system reform, but I remain one of its most fervent supporters. Thank you."

President Obama meddelade att han accepterade Daschles beslut, men tyckte att beslutet var tråkigt:

"This morning, Tom Daschle asked me to withdraw his nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services. I accept his decision with sadness and regret.

Tom Daschle has devoted his life to public service and health care reform, so that every American has access to health care they can afford. I had hoped that he could bring this passion and expertise to bear to finally achieve that goal, which is so essential to the progress of our economy and the well-being of businesses and families across the nation.

Tom made a mistake, which he has openly acknowledged. He has not excused it, nor do I. But that mistake, and this decision, cannot diminish the many contributions Tom has made to this country, from his years in the military to his decades of public service.

Now we must move forward, with our plan to lift this economy and put people back to work."

Här är ett videoklipp där Daschle ber om ursäkt för sitt misstag:

Daschle är dock inte den enda att dra sig ur en regeringsnominering. Tidigare på dagen drog sig också Nancy Killefer ur positionen som chief White House performance officer, pg a att även hon missat att betala arbetslöshetsskatt för hembiträdestjänster. Hon lät därför meddela president Obama:

"Dear Mr. President,

I recognize that your agenda and the duties facing your Chief Performance Officer are urgent. I have also come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue of D.C. Unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid. Because of this I must reluctantly ask you to withdraw my name from consideration.

I am deeply honored to have been selected by you and you have my deep appreciation for your confidence in me. You have my heartfelt support and best wishes for success in all your endeavors.

Respectfully yours,
Nancy Killefer"

Tidigare drog sig även New Mexicos guvernör Bill Richardson ur nomineringen till handelsminister pg a en pågående utredning kring hans arbete som guvernör - men han ersattes dock idag av den Republikanske senatorn Judd Gregg, som tackade ja till att överta posten. Men med Daschle och Killefers avlägsnande, har Obama alltså fortfarande två platser han måste hitta nya kompetenta personer att fylla.

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Tom Daschles skatteskandal 20090203

Obama utser Republikan till ny handelsminister 20090203

Se även SVD DN

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