torsdag 3 juni 2010

Demokrater i kongressen stöder Israels agerande

Medan kritiken mot Israel haglar från omvärlden så har ett antal demokrater i kongressen uttryckt sitt tydliga stöd till Israel. Vita Huset försöker vara balanserade, och Obamas presstalesman Robert Gibbs sa att administrationen var

“greatly supportive of [Israel’s] security. That’s not going to change.”

De pro-israeliska demokraterna är dock mycket tydligare än så:

“I think that members of the United States Congress understand why the blockade was in place against Hamas and support it, once you start at that place, a boat that bows into the teeth of that blockade isn’t going to be viewed sympathetically,” sa New Yorks demokratiske kongressman Anthony Weiner. “To the extent that any time that there is a flare-up of tensions, it’s bad for U.S. and Israeli efforts of peace. We obviously had a bad weekend.”

Och kongressman Gary Ackerman, också från New York, sa att han:

“strongly support(s) Israel’s right to defend itself, and the right of Israel’s naval commandos, who were executing a legal mission, to defend themselves by using force when they were brutally attacked.”

Han fortsatte med att förklara att skulden för situationen låg på Hamas, inte Israel:

“Failure to recognize the moral responsibility of Hamas for these events is possible only by confusing cause with effect, or by holding Israel to an unacceptable double standard,”

Och Ron Klein, demokrat från Florida, förklarade:

“Israel has the right — indeed, the obligation — to defend itself. As Israel continues to be unjustly challenged on the international stage, the United States must continue its efforts to stand up for Israel’s self-defense,”

Och Jerrold Nadler - demokratisk kongressman också han från New York - sa att det internationella samfundet försökte skämma ut Israel, och att:

“U.S. must stand up for the right of Israel to defend herself against terrorism — which is what Israel did when she blocked the attempt by the Flotilla to forcefully breach the blockade that is preventing weapons and military materials from reaching Hamas.”

Den republikanske kongressmannen Eric Cantor, den demokratiska senatorn Kirsten Gillibrand och den demokratiske kongressmannen Anthony Weiner kritiserade också FN:s Israelkritik:

“The United Nations is a giant anti-Israel echo chamber on the east side of Manhattan, and its members sit and wait for opportunities to criticize Israel,” förklarade kongressman Weiner.

Och Eric Cantor, som är den enda judiske republikanen i kongressen manade:

“the president and his administration to continue to gather all the facts, and if necessary, to veto any biased U.N. resolutions reigning in Israel’s right to defend itself.

Before predictably rushing to level hyperbolic accusations at Israel, it’s important for the United Nations to consider all the facts surrounding this incident,

Som tur är, så är stödet för Israel stort i USA. Och i en tid av stor splittring mellan de båda partierna så torde Israel vara ett ämne för mycket bipartisanskt samarbete.

Källa: Politico

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